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12 years ago
You may feel that it's nothing special, kids use to win a lot of prizes for school competitions and studies. But it's not the case of my vavoos. She has never won any competition or has she received excellence prize for studies, though she is good in studies. During Children's day competition final round, she was selected for 4 items out of 6 and I thought, she will win at least a prize for folk dance. But she didn't receive any. As any parent, I desired to see her getting at least once from stage. That day my heart was broken when prize was given for all 5 contestants of folk dance except her. Though they announced consolation prizes for losers, they didn't give it that day. Actually we waited for long 2 hours to get consolation prize even after knowing that she didn't win any.
Today we are proud parents and she was one among those 5 or 6 students who got 100% attendance award. It may be not for best marks or performance, yet it's priceless to me. So, I want to share this happiest moment with my Boddunan family
Photos are not clear, we viewed program from balcony. I will post clear pictures later. Second one from her dance program "It's the time to disco" from Kal Ho Na Ho
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Like mother like daughter!!! Don't worry JIJI, she is going to beat you hands down one day!!!!
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Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
Like mother like daughter!!! Don't worry JIJI, she is going to beat you hands down one day!!!!
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10118]}
hahaha :woohoo: :woohoo:
Nothing more to say :silly: :silly: :silly:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
Aww adorable.. :kiss: Reminds me of my childhood days. ;)
I can understand how you must have been filled with pride when your daughter was on the stage.
I can understand how you must have been filled with pride when your daughter was on the stage.
Live in the present :)
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
It is a great achievement of your efforts because this was you who kept her ready, interested and healthy for school 100%. Mu congrats to you and your little angel. Keep it up it helps a long way. :)
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
Yes, I can understand the mind of a mother. I too have seen this closely in the case of my own mother and sisters (who are also moms now). It is a great feeling to see one's child receive gifts on a stage. It make one feel proud. I am sure, your little angle will bring more accolades to you and your family. God bless her!
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
Sandhya my hearty congratulations to you and your daughter. God bless your daughter
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
100% attendance !!! Wow, That's a big thing to achieve. It is not easy at all. Tell her congrats from me.
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Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
Congrats Sandhya. :)
Same is the case with us we know our son cannot win anything but we have lots of expectations from our daughter as every time when we go in school for parents teacher meeting her teacher says she is excellent and she is star of the class but even then too she has never won any prize in the competitions they have every month except once she got a consolation prize. :evil: Also they update Honor's board for every class and they declare 5~6 students under categories like - most knowledgable student, most discplined student etc every month with lots of expectation we see that board and get depressed that her name never gets displayed on it. But still we are happy that she is star of her class as per her teacher. :)
Same is the case with us we know our son cannot win anything but we have lots of expectations from our daughter as every time when we go in school for parents teacher meeting her teacher says she is excellent and she is star of the class but even then too she has never won any prize in the competitions they have every month except once she got a consolation prize. :evil: Also they update Honor's board for every class and they declare 5~6 students under categories like - most knowledgable student, most discplined student etc every month with lots of expectation we see that board and get depressed that her name never gets displayed on it. But still we are happy that she is star of her class as per her teacher. :)
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
100% attendance !!! Wow, That's a big thing to achieve. It is not easy at all. Tell her congrats from me.
this appears surprise to those who hate attending schools ;)
what about you Nandu? :P :laugh:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
Congrats Sandhya. :)
Same is the case with us we know our son cannot win anything but we have lots of expectations from our daughter as every time when we go in school for parents teacher meeting her teacher says she is excellent and she is star of the class but even then too she has never won any prize in the competitions they have every month except once she got a consolation prize. :evil: Also they update Honor's board for every class and they declare 5~6 students under categories like - most knowledgable student, most discplined student etc every month with lots of expectation we see that board and get depressed that her name never gets displayed on it. But still we are happy that she is star of her class as per her teacher. :)
now competition is every where..kids also form a part of it.
Sanjeev, we should grow them as good citizens rather than intelligent students without brains and EQ :woohoo: :woohoo: .
I have seen many parents who worry if kids lose a single mark in exams. I don't want her to make a book worm. She should open her eyes to see and understand the world around. I am not a strict mom who tortures the kids always, "Study". lEt her fly like a butterfly this age. Gradually let her learn everything. That may be the reason why she never won any awards till now.
It's really pleasant if she is the best, every parent think so. But I don't have that greed.
But am most pleasant when her teachers say, she is silent and pleasant nature. it's most significant to me than gaining sen percent marks for academic studies. am not sure, how many parents agree with me :dry: after all she is just a kid of 5 years
Now we are trying to get an admission in KV, it's just 2-3kms away. Everyone says, less pressure is given to primary kids there :cheer: :cheer:
Meera sandhu
Thank you said by: RobertP
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