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12 years ago
The moment your eyes see something, mind perceives and forms it's own opinion. This we call as 'First impression' be it wrong or right, an impression stays, unless proved otherwise. It can't be helped.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
Yes it is hundred percent true that we should judge any in one sight or interaction. Sometimes it may true but not everytime.
12 years ago
The moment your eyes see something, mind perceives and forms it's own opinion. This we call as 'First impression' be it wrong or right, an impression stays, unless proved otherwise. It can't be helped.
I do not know why you always write two posts instead of one. If this is for getting more points and posts, this is spam and not desirable.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
This situation may come in anyone's life...you or me..
Yet may be a lively person who keeps good relationship with everyone. Sometimes you may be disturbed by a problem or upset by a recent event. A person.....may be a neighbour or friend who haven't meet you most recently and so, he doesn't know what happened to you most recently. It's sure, if you are disturbed you may behave indifferent and that person can misinterpret it as "you have changed a lot". Some say it openly while some others keep it in mind itself. Perhaps years after he may know the truth and may regret over false interpretations....
So, not for new relations only......already existing relations should also be given time to know everything...we can't say which moment time can change everything!!
Yet may be a lively person who keeps good relationship with everyone. Sometimes you may be disturbed by a problem or upset by a recent event. A person.....may be a neighbour or friend who haven't meet you most recently and so, he doesn't know what happened to you most recently. It's sure, if you are disturbed you may behave indifferent and that person can misinterpret it as "you have changed a lot". Some say it openly while some others keep it in mind itself. Perhaps years after he may know the truth and may regret over false interpretations....
So, not for new relations only......already existing relations should also be given time to know everything...we can't say which moment time can change everything!!
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
I think as some one said rightly that some people leave their impression easily and instantly, but they always are not the same and may prove different later. Although this may not make much of a difference to the one who is not wrong within. Wrong is always wrong while the right one always proves himself right, so nothing to worry.
12 years ago
The persons we see in street or train are often not relevant for our daily routine. So whatever impression they give- good or bad, correct or incorrect- is immaterial. The impression also fades soon as this is not relevant. However when the peron matters for long term relation, we should not be swayed by first impression only but wait for gaining more information.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Thank you said by: suni51
12 years ago
Thanks, That's what I mean, the one who is not wrong would prove himself right and the one who felt sweet might give a bitter experience later, again nothing to worry.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
12 years ago
Hereafter we should never judge anyone without having proper experience.
Born to express, not to impress.
12 years ago
We cannot know one's character by just seeing him/her once.To know more about one person we must have to get in touch with them.
Sharmistha Banerjee
12 years ago
The story is nice. But our perception is based on normal situation and is generally correct. The case of boy born blind was an exception. In normal situation, the co passengers would be correct. Our decisions are based on normal situation and this is correct in 90% cases. Wrong perception in about 10% cases, which is also not so likely, does not matter.
We are not the right person to judge anyone else. If you judge anyone in hurry, it is 100% wrong,
Born to express, not to impress.
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