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13 years ago
As sasikanth and ronark are expecting me as next emperor lets us see in how many months i reach
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Let us see who will be next.Sasi and Sarala are working with great effort.Any one may be.
13 years ago
Nice to see you becoming emperor. Congratulation and hope to see you acheive more.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 4450]}
Nice to see you becoming emperor. Congratulation and hope to see you acheive more.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 4450]}
13 years ago
Thanks Kalyani! Very Happy to see my article cleared and published this morning! But the points on achieving 10000 marks are yet to be credited! As I am a little preoccupied with some pressing issues I won't be regular for some days and hope to be back amidst actions soon!
Thanks Vaishnavi and Abid!
They got credited. Congratulations to your achievement. Wish you see your name on the next level soon.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
13 years ago
This is really wonderful to know after acheiving 10,000 points we get credited with 5000points
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Wow. This is really great. Even little participation will make you earn through Member of the week and also through revenue sharing.
13 years ago
But Sarala, I have a doubt. Is it 10000 posts or 10000 points. i believe it is 10000 posts.
13 years ago
But Sarala, I have a doubt. Is it 10000 posts or 10000 points. i believe it is 10000 posts.
Every milestone will have half points of number of posts. 1000, 2000, 5000, 10k etc. You need to inform me about the completion in order to get the credits.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
13 years ago
Sorry arunkumar by mistake i typed 10000 points instead of posts.
Maverick , you please include the credits of the points as announcement in forums , so that we people know that we should inform you whenever we reach mile stone.
Maverick , you please include the credits of the points as announcement in forums , so that we people know that we should inform you whenever we reach mile stone.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Sarala You have typed my name wrongly. Can you please correct it.
Thanks for informing Maverick.I was not aware of it.
But Sarala, I have a doubt. Is it 10000 posts or 10000 points. i believe it is 10000 posts.
Every milestone will have half points of number of posts. 1000, 2000, 5000, 10k etc. You need to inform me about the completion in order to get the credits.
Thanks for informing Maverick.I was not aware of it.
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