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13 years ago
I would suggest that you modify the title by just replacing 'the month on December' by 'Poems of Boddunan' so that it could be turned into a permanent thread for poems which, judging by its present popularity, is called for!
I would suggest that you modify the title by just replacing 'the month on December' by 'Poems of Boddunan' so that it could be turned into a permanent thread for poems which, judging by its present popularity, is called for!
Thank you said by: ajay
13 years ago
I would suggest that you modify the title by just replacing 'the month on December' by 'Poems of Boddunan' so that it could be turned into a permanent thread for poems which, judging by its present popularity, is called for! [/quote]
I agree! Judging by the number of new-born poets we are seeing here everyday, this is going to be the longest thread eventually!! :) :laugh: :) :laugh: :)
I would suggest that you modify the title by just replacing 'the month on December' by 'Poems of Boddunan' so that it could be turned into a permanent thread for poems which, judging by its present popularity, is called for! [/quote]
I agree! Judging by the number of new-born poets we are seeing here everyday, this is going to be the longest thread eventually!! :) :laugh: :) :laugh: :)
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
13 years ago
I would suggest that you modify the title by just replacing 'the month on December' by 'Poems of Boddunan' so that it could be turned into a permanent thread for poems which, judging by its present popularity, is called for!
Nice suggestion Chinmoy!!!I did the needful and hope that this thread always remains there with this site and anyone could post their poems here in future whenever they think so....!
13 years ago
Thanks a lot,Ajay! Keep this poetic flag flying in my absence!
13 years ago
A True lover feelings towards his lover.
I saw a girl.
I fell in love with her
After seeing her i closed my eyes and dreamed my life with her for some time.
I opened my eyes to see her but i missed her.
waiting for my lover.
Alot of days i waited for her Finally i got her.
When i saw every time My heart beats for her.
my life needs her.
At last i got her.
We live each other.
We love each other.
seeing us the fate cries towards us.
God cursed me to be alone till death by taking her to him.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 4357]}
I saw a girl.
I fell in love with her
After seeing her i closed my eyes and dreamed my life with her for some time.
I opened my eyes to see her but i missed her.
waiting for my lover.
Alot of days i waited for her Finally i got her.
When i saw every time My heart beats for her.
my life needs her.
At last i got her.
We live each other.
We love each other.
seeing us the fate cries towards us.
God cursed me to be alone till death by taking her to him.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 4357]}
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
so sad poem, sasikanth post some poem which are very happy and make other happy
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Great feelings expressed beautifully! Now you are in your elements!
Great feelings expressed beautifully! Now you are in your elements!
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