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What happened happened. I suggest two ways. One is to store your data in CDs or pen drive. The second is to store your file in 'Google Doc' (now called google Drive). The data in Google drive cannot be lost. It also helps you to work from different computers. I am writing my articles in 'Google Docs' . I can continue writing from office computer, home computer and also from cyber cafe.

I never keep my vital data in my hard disk. I have a removable hard disk with huge space and 2 pen drives. In such situations i either go to a cyber cafe or friend's computer with my 2 pen drives.
What happened happened. I suggest two ways. One is to store your data in CDs or pen drive. The second is to store your file in 'Google Doc' (now called google Drive). The data in Google drive cannot be lost. It also helps you to work from different computers. I am writing my articles in 'Google Docs' . I can continue writing from office computer, home computer and also from cyber cafe.

I never keep my vital data in my hard disk. I have a removable hard disk with huge space and 2 pen drives. In such situations i either go to a cyber cafe or friend's computer with my 2 pen drives.

I always need an internet connection as my data is in Google docs. You need only a computer and no connection to see the data. Both need internet connectivity for submitting articles. So, I feel Google docs is okay.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshanji well told that we can store data iin Google docs which is a safe thing. But keeping in CD also not a bad idea.

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Gulshanji well told that we can store data iin Google docs which is a safe thing. But keeping in CD also not a bad idea.

You may store in Google docs, C.D or Pen drive. But what if you lose pen drive and CD also. You just move empty handed and see/ use data wherever you go. You need only internet connection, which is not a problem.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I did this option, choose nov 14 as date. yet couldn't restore....

you can try to restore on some old days or try to locate your desktop files manually on C drive.

Sandhyaji you need to load all the necessary software to get the work done as before. Everything has been erased. This happened with my laptop many a times. Try to save all files in some other drive rather than in the main drive. This is keep all the files save even when the software has been deleted.
Sandhya.. You have come with totally new problem in this section. I have never faced something like this.. I don't think even system restore can work for this problem. And as you mentioned above it is already not working for you..

I can't tell you what exactly happen with you.. Just try to remove RAM and Hard disk and fit them again.. and check it.

Next time better you keep your data in other partition (not in system one)... So you can retrieve your important data even after formatting.

Sandhya.. You have come with totally new problem in this section. I have never faced something like this.. I don't think even system restore can work for this problem. And as you mentioned above it is already not working for you..

I can't tell you what exactly happen with you.. Just try to remove RAM and Hard disk and fit them again.. and check it.

Next time better you keep your data in other partition (not in system one)... So you can retrieve your important data even after formatting.

all my recent started threads, I think past 2 months, as I was busy with articles, stored as bookmarks. whole history of mozilla itself is removed.

that's why it's told, never store any valuable data in C drive :evil: :evil:
i lost a few valuable expenditure files as well.
i am so busy nowadays, that's the reason.

So, am advising you all, never store any document in C drive, including my documents and desktop.

Meera sandhu
Sandhya... That's why I mentioned its better to keep all data in other drive not in system drive(c drive).. So that whole data stay safe. I have total three partition on my laptop and I used to keep all important one is one different drive. I also used to store my important data online, so that I can retrieve them even from my mobile.

Sandhya... That's why I mentioned its better to keep all data in other drive not in system drive(c drive).. So that whole data stay safe. I have total three partition on my laptop and I used to keep all important one is one different drive. I also used to store my important data online, so that I can retrieve them even from my mobile.

I never keep any thing in C drive apart the necessary items. I thought all people who are clever keep their important data in other drives or save them with cloud computing. I am going to do an article about cloud computing.

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