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The first politician to open his argument is Mulayam Singh Yadav.

Even though the Allahabad High Court's verdict in the Ayodhya title suit has satisfied the BJP and RSS, the verdict seems to have left a frown on the Samajwadi Party chief, Mulayam Singh's face.
Here is the link.
Young India is happy with the Verdict.Why this fellow Mulayam is trying to add fuel to the burning fire? :(
nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
[quote]The first politician to open his argument is Mulayam Singh Yadav.

Even though the Allahabad High Court's verdict in the Ayodhya title suit has satisfied the BJP and RSS, the verdict seems to have left a frown on the Samajwadi Party chief, Mulayam Singh's face.
Here is the link.[/quote]

As far as R.S.S. and BJP are concerned, they are components of saffron camp. Mulayam Singh has also right to his opinion. He feels that Muslims have been cheated. He may be correct to some extent. Hindus have got two third and Muslims one third. What is the rationale. Nirmohi akhada and Ram lala both mean Hindu. Secondly, the issue of construction of babri Mosque dates to very old time, when Babar was the ruler and neither British nor Current Indian constitution prevailed. so, babar cannot be guilty under our current law or even British Law. But those who demolished the mosque are really guilty. This is the real issue that has not been tackled.
However, it will be best that the issues like this be thrown into dust bin as these are non issues. We should concentrate on problems of nation's progress, prosperity and well being rather.
It is hoped that the matter will go to supreme court and more time will be consumed there. Meanwhile a new generation will come up and the non issues like this will fade.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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