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14 years ago
It seems like Kumaresh is busy thinking up a reply to this poem!! 

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
14 years ago
Hahaha funny poem Kalyani.... Definitely Kumareshan will reply by End of The Day :laugh:
14 years ago
Kalayni keep your poetic reply ready he may surface any moment with his poem!!
14 years ago
What happened to Kumaresh?As I was not here didn't understand the matter.
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14 years ago
Kalyani, Your smiley is too good as your poem. :) :) :)
14 years ago
episode 1 :woohoo:
Cauliflower! Cauliflower
What a beautiful flower
full of vitamin, folate and fiber
makes intelligent and wiser
boil it, roast it or eat it raw
no torture for your jaw
just have a will and wish
make any delicious dish
gravy, paratha or gobhi manchuriyan
all like it, African, american or asian
It is found every where
get easily, it is not rare
very nutritious useful flower
I love to be cauliflower :P
to be continued.... :blink:
Note : Thanks Kalyani for making me object of your poem!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
Cauliflower! Cauliflower
What a beautiful flower
full of vitamin, folate and fiber
makes intelligent and wiser
boil it, roast it or eat it raw
no torture for your jaw
just have a will and wish
make any delicious dish
gravy, paratha or gobhi manchuriyan
all like it, African, american or asian
It is found every where
get easily, it is not rare
very nutritious useful flower
I love to be cauliflower :P
to be continued.... :blink:
Note : Thanks Kalyani for making me object of your poem!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
000203FB-20100929.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)
Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
14 years ago
Continue maan!! Why do you stop when you are in full flow ! The cauliflower is ablush with your praise!!! 

14 years ago
So that was a motivational poem.To whom the credit is to be given?
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14 years ago
Thanks Chinmoy !! It is just episode 1 of my answers to Kalyani's beautiful poem... hopefully many more may come in future....
Sometimes it is flow
Sometimes overflow
:woohoo: :woohoo:
Sometimes it is flow
Sometimes overflow
:woohoo: :woohoo:
Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
14 years ago
Wow !! What a poem on cauliflower!! and that's just Episode One!!
Imagine the other verses to follow!! Kumaresh, with your creative fountains flowing sky high I think I better retire to a forest!!!
Imagine the other verses to follow!! Kumaresh, with your creative fountains flowing sky high I think I better retire to a forest!!!

36_5_11-20100929.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
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