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Deivigan, I really pity your situation. :( Hope it doesn't happen to you again. :) :)
i think protinex original was the weirdest one i have eaten
What is protinex actually? Have not heard of this one till now! Raja!
I have heard about it. It is a health drink.But none of the flavours would be good.
It's a protein supplement I think which is considered to be a health drink!
Hey sajee,

I dont know what is leech, can you tell me about that...
Kavitha,please refer to the following link.
I don't want to point out any one or any religion, but, one of my friend offer a dish (I am not putting any name here), in their festival.... He told me it is their favorite food in that festival...

That was really weirdest thing, I didn't told him about that, because he was my friend.
Harshil, You tell us at least the ingredients.We will find it out :) :)
Sometimes it happens eventhough the dish is good or favorite sometimes preparation maybe lacking some ingredient which will make the dish a compelete flop...Even missing of salt can sometime make the item happended to me too Harshil :P :)
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