What's the weirdest thing you've eaten?


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When i first landed in Singapore for doing my master's degree and i ate in a near buy food court and when i saw the menu card i coudln't even find any items that i ate or heard of except one thing called "chicken rice".

so i ordered for that and when i got that to my table i started eating i couldn't feel the taste bcoz of my hunger after 3 scoops then i saw the chicken was half cooked even the rice is half boiled and i vomited in next 5 min

I havent eat anything Weird till now and i pray for not going to such situations in future...

That is really pathetic situation...@Deivigan and it is common in other countries where people eat anything..we can not adjust there suddenly.. :(
Till date i haven't eaten anything wierd.....

Well devigan, a very bad situation for you there....

In this context India is the best. Eat anything on the roadside too and its yummy...
When i was a kid, nearly 3 to 4 years of age. I used to eat leech . Secret of my brain is leech!!
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Now I understand the secret of how do you get those weirdest ideas about women,Sajeetharan!!!
Yuck!!!!Leech how come Sajee... :P :) are they so tasty...??? :blink:

I said when i was 3 years old, so i do not have idea. May be !!


Yes that is true!!

I said when i was 3 years old, so i do not have idea. May be !!


Yes that is true!!
Till date i haven't eaten anything wierd.....Well devigan, you had a very bad situation there....
I ensure that i don't take any wierd food. When I went out of india i took all my cooking items packed and had a yummy food prepared of my own. ;) :P
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