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It's true Indian markets are flooded with cheap Chinese imports and there are several cases of dumping resorted to by the Chinese companies!
Thanks for posting your views..I think that the main source for their economic development compared to Japan...
I think right now an awareness is seen among people not to buy toys and other products manufactured in china.
Even if anyone crosses their economy they still rule at least for me. With the kind of sources they had, problem they faced...Japan is the best.
Yes, Japanese are known for their hard work. I support japan for that reason. :) :)
Well china considers developed nations as its competitor but we still consider slums like pakistan as our competitor
By 2025 China is supposed to overtake USA and become the largest economy of the world!
Another reason i find is China is also like India and ready to offer cheap labour..where as Japan has lot of confidence on their hardwork which is backing them in the run...
Sure!!CHina will not get down from the top position in economy as it has been growing it's economy day by day to be the powerful nation in the world.
definitely china will be going to cross all other top countries' economies too in mere future and one day will be definitely the most powerful nation in the world.
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