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Kalyani, Though i like his attitude, i hate his geed mind,

because he was patriotic, he lived for his country and died for his country. he reconstructed Germany after world war. he made Germany most powerful nation in Europe. he took revenge on those who humiliated Germany.
Sajee I think you should study histroy again! I mean no offence but when you say [quote]because he was patriotic, he lived for his country and died for his country. he reconstructed Germany after world war. he made Germany most powerful nation in Europe. he took revenge on those who humiliated Germany[/quote]

More than half the millions of Jews that he killed were his own countrymen. These Jews were the ones who kept the economy of Germany sound and working. Yes Germany did become powerful but only for a short period of time, the time in history that the Germans are shameful of even today and would like to forget! As for being patriotic, he was only a twisted megalomaniac who only belived in his own racial supremacy. He had no interest in Germany's wellbein than in furthering his own powers.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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