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My use of the word 'any' is strictly contextual.What may be a key word for boddunan may not be so for other sites.Whatever is good for British army women may not be so for British saints!!
Rakesh wrote:
[quote]Yes i too observed dating ads on this page.


Can you explain[/quote]

Actually it is a clever trick by women soldiers.When pregnant they will sent to their homes and increased case means they had well utilised the situation.

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Very good explanation Abid..!!

That's why British Govt has advised them.. :)

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Some more facts :
According to Daily Mail Reporter

More than 140 pregnant women had to be sent home from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Free condoms are supplied at bases including Camp Bastion, in Helmand, home to 8,500 British men and 700 women.

Last year, 102 pregnant British servicewomen were flown out of Iraq and 31 were sent home from Afghanistan between January 2003 and February 2009.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
nice facts Kumaresh.. Great trick to escape from a war front. But what the men will do ?
British army men too can advised likewise!!!!
This is a trick to escape war duty. But the errant soldiers- men or women are not treated as good soldiers and such escapist tendency affects the career adversely. That is why the advice is given.
Some one remarked that British army could not advise the women soldiers to refrain from lust. Apparently, the British army considers sex as necessary as food. So the advice is to use condoms and not to abstain.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Nice facts Kumaresh!!

But I don't think getting pregnant is mere ruse to escape from the war duty. Everyone knows how bad the situation is in Afghanistan and Iraq..and it is only human nature to seek solace in some or the other form when thrown in miserable inhumane conditions. And when men and women come together in such conditions, sex is but a natural thing!!

At least in case of British troops, the act of sex is done willingly since they are working together for a common cause. if there were no women accompanying the men, there would have been increased case of rapes against local Afghani women!

It is a well-known fact that during Second World War, when USA attacked Japan after Pearl Harbor, thousands of Japanese women were forced to have sex with the Allied Forces, an act for which recently USA act for forgiveness from Japan a few years back!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani gave a good reason for women soldiers. The local afghan women have been spared. Reference to japan is also apt. many Bangladesi women were raped by Pakistani soldiers. Same happened in Vietnam. The Indian soldiers also molested and raped in North East. The Manipur women held demonstration in nude shouting slogan- Rape us. I have heard from old soldiers that the Britis Indian army has a women corps called WACI (women auxiliary corps India) which was prima facie for office jobs but mainly for satisfying lust of soldiers.
But this does not add to prestige of women soldiers. If they are posted as equal partners, this is good. If they are there for catering to dominating lust of males, this is really disgusting.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Instead of supplying condoms the government has to think withdrawing the troops from this hell conditions.

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