A politician has the right to change his ideology if he feels the desire to do so. He also has the right to join anothervpolitical party if it becomes necessary to do so due to many reasons. When he offers himself for elections again is the time when voters can reelect him or reject him. An elected representatives not a slave of the voters. After all don't voters change their liking.
Changing of the ideologies and parties are certainly the prerogative of politicians. To say elected representatives are not the slaves of the people who elected them is something beyond me. I'm of the opinion that People are final and elected representatives owe their explanation to the people who elected him. After all peoples representatives will not drop from the Blue.
Elected representatives are supposed to represent the community that elects them. They are free men and can follow any party or join any party, but we can have a system of recall in case a representative lets his constituency down.
The electorate should be armed with the weapon of "Recalling" their representative if he fails to rise up to their expectations. After all every voter who voted for a person will pin his hopes on their representative and will hope he will do something good for them.
A person has every right to change his political affiliations but an elected candidate should do that after resigning from the membership/party and seek reelection before joining another party.
vijay wrote:A politician has the right to change his ideology if he feels the desire to do so. He also has the right to join anothervpolitical party if it becomes necessary to do so due to many reasons. When he offers himself for elections again is the time when voters can reelect him or reject him. An elected representatives not a slave of the voters. After all don't voters change their liking.
Sure but an elected member on a party ticket cannot do it as it is against rules. He can change party any number of times if it suits him or his party does not treat him well. But he must resign first.
RAMAKRISHNAN. A wrote:The so called freedom of an elected candidate to change his party at any time, is not real freedom at all; but it is the misuse of freedom. If they do so without resigning from the party, they are befooling the community of voters who trusted him for a good cause. Freedom has also got its own sanctity.
Undoubtedly Jumping the parties by the elected representatives of the people is an act of befooling the people who voted him resting faith and trust. It is breach of trust.. Breach of trust is one word that you wont find in the lexicon of these chameleons.
RAMAKRISHNAN. A wrote:The so called freedom of an elected candidate to change his party at any time, is not real freedom at all; but it is the misuse of freedom. If they do so without resigning from the party, they are befooling the community of voters who trusted him for a good cause. Freedom has also got its own sanctity.
Both democracy and freedom of action come with a price since one should not infringe on other persons democracy or freedom and this applies to the elected representatives as well...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Elected representatives owe an explanation to the people who elected them. Simply jumping from the party from which they were elected to another party amounts to an offense. They should resign first and fight a an an election. There is no other way..
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