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13 years ago
I am worried the way moderator team is locking threads bother me that tomorrow when I log in to Bodduan I won't find any thread to respond. :woohoo:
Well done guys doing nice job. :)
I have a doubt I think Maverick can better clear it - Is it right to lock old threads and giving the reason that they have become old now.I don't think so because daily we have lots of new users who join Boddunan and there may be some fresh responses which may pour on to these old threads. :blink:
Sanjeev, what I wanted to say on this issue has already been amply said by Usha and Gulshan. The only thing I wish to bring to your notice is that although it is true that there are new users signing up daily, there are only one or two of them who actually become active in the forums. What I see becoming a current trend here is someone keeps posting irrelevant questions in any thread and others keep responding to those while the original topic is exhausted or forgotten.
One more thing I wish to add here is that the moderators here are doing a job of keeping the forums clean and they have clear instructions on many issues. There may be mistakes made by moderators at times, after all they are also humans, but I request you all to extend your cooperation and support and not keep questioning their motives every time a thread is locked. Thank you!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
13 years ago
I am worried the way moderator team is locking threads bother me that tomorrow when I log in to Bodduan I won't find any thread to respond. :woohoo:
Well done guys doing nice job. :)
I have a doubt I think Maverick can better clear it - Is it right to lock old threads and giving the reason that they have become old now.I don't think so because daily we have lots of new users who join Boddunan and there may be some fresh responses which may pour on to these old threads. :blink:
Sanjeev, what I wanted to say on this issue has already been amply said by Usha and Gulshan. The only thing I wish to bring to your notice is that although it is true that there are new users signing up daily, there are only one or two of them who actually become active in the forums. What I see becoming a current trend here is someone keeps posting irrelevant questions in any thread and others keep responding to those while the original topic is exhausted or forgotten.
One more thing I wish to add here is that the moderators here are doing a job of keeping the forums clean and they have clear instructions on many issues. There may be mistakes made by moderators at times, after all they are also humans, but I request you all to extend your cooperation and support and not keep questioning their motives every time a thread is locked. Thank you!
Where should i request? :blink:
Should i PM to any one the moderator? :blink:
Yesterday I saw a thread of Ashok Kumar where you asked Sandhya why she made this thread alive? :blink:
But you were mistaken as few minutes of Sandhya's reply Ashok posted a response and answering her she asked him why he doesn't remain online on Boddunan but the thing was that post of Ashok was deleted and you could not see it what happened and eventually locked that thread taunting sandhya which I found something odd. :evil:
I am not complaining but that really would hurt anyone may be Sandhya ignored it. :)
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
13 years ago
I am worried the way moderator team is locking threads bother me that tomorrow when I log in to Bodduan I won't find any thread to respond. :woohoo:
Well done guys doing nice job. :)
I have a doubt I think Maverick can better clear it - Is it right to lock old threads and giving the reason that they have become old now.I don't think so because daily we have lots of new users who join Boddunan and there may be some fresh responses which may pour on to these old threads. :blink:
Sanjeev, what I wanted to say on this issue has already been amply said by Usha and Gulshan. The only thing I wish to bring to your notice is that although it is true that there are new users signing up daily, there are only one or two of them who actually become active in the forums. What I see becoming a current trend here is someone keeps posting irrelevant questions in any thread and others keep responding to those while the original topic is exhausted or forgotten.
One more thing I wish to add here is that the moderators here are doing a job of keeping the forums clean and they have clear instructions on many issues. There may be mistakes made by moderators at times, after all they are also humans, but I request you all to extend your cooperation and support and not keep questioning their motives every time a thread is locked. Thank you!
Where should i request? :blink:
Should i PM to any one the moderator? :blink:
Yesterday I saw a thread of Ashok Kumar where you asked Sandhya why she made this thread alive? :blink:
But you were mistaken as few minutes of Sandhya's reply Ashok posted a response and answering her she asked him why he doesn't remain online on Boddunan but the thing was that post of Ashok was deleted and you could not see it what happened and eventually locked that thread taunting sandhya which I found something odd. :evil:
I am not complaining but that really would hurt anyone may be Sandhya ignored it. :)
Sanjeev, your choice of words really amazes me at times. where does the word taunting come from??? It may be that the eply posted by Ashok was deleted, but I was only questioning the relevance of a very old thread being revived. How and why is it considered a taunt?? Next time, I trust you will be careful with the choice of words used, as such type of words may provoke an unnecessary argument,.
And yes, you need to send a PM to the respective moderator. I trust this answers all your questions!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
13 years ago
May be the selection of word is wrong but you know the intention and hope you got it what I meant to say. :) One thing I want to ask why that thread was closed? :blink: . Was there any issue once the post having the links were removed?.May be you are moderator you know it better than us the members. :)
13 years ago
May be the selection of word is wrong but you know the intention and hope you got it what I meant to say. :) One thing I want to ask why that thread was closed? :blink: . Was there any issue once the post having the links were removed?.May be you are moderator you know it better than us the members. :)
Ashok's posts contained some links that contained advertisements also. So these had to be deleted. Sandhya' had posted her contents before deletion of those. .
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
I am worried the way moderator team is locking threads bother me that tomorrow when I log in to Bodduan I won't find any thread to respond. :woohoo:
Well done guys doing nice job. :)
I have a doubt I think Maverick can better clear it - Is it right to lock old threads and giving the reason that they have become old now.I don't think so because daily we have lots of new users who join Boddunan and there may be some fresh responses which may pour on to these old threads. :blink:
Only the threads that have been discussed until they have become thread bare and repetetive have been locked ,otherwise members post for the sake of posting without adding anything new,it will be the same with any new members who too will post something similar...so my own feeling is that it is better to lock such threads :)
How are you so sure that newbie will repeat the same responses? :woohoo:
Did you do that when you were new here?. :woohoo:
But that's true when the same thread is discussed for long people start repeating the same response on that particular thread but that's for moderator are they should check those responses and should delete them and even warn that member. :)
I am just going by the normal responses members post,mostly one liners which does not add anything new to the discussion. In my case I dont think that I have ever posted a single sentence LOL good or bad I make it longer and if I have nothing more to add on the topic I just dont simply post for the sake of doing so ....I feel that members also have a responsibility to post what is relevant because moderators cannot look at each and every post...
I know you. You always post quality contents on the threads no doubt but there people who spam here and I feel its better to delete those responses than to lock threads giving the reason that they have been old now as that way we may have the chance to get some fresh responses. :)
This is my opinion but I know it cannot be implemented as then we need lots of moderators to check each and every response but then too we all are members and can report those responses to the moderators making their task much easier. :)
It's also a nice idea Sanjeev....deleteing those responses only. Moderators can give warning also.
But if such useless responses are increasing and that thread has already reached 100 responses, then it's better to be locked. If a new user want to add something to that thread, he can ask moderator to unlock it to him. Again......it's the duty of other members not to add useless or repetitive responses. :cheer:
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
I am worried the way moderator team is locking threads bother me that tomorrow when I log in to Bodduan I won't find any thread to respond. :woohoo:
Well done guys doing nice job. :)
I have a doubt I think Maverick can better clear it - Is it right to lock old threads and giving the reason that they have become old now.I don't think so because daily we have lots of new users who join Boddunan and there may be some fresh responses which may pour on to these old threads. :blink:
Sanjeev, what I wanted to say on this issue has already been amply said by Usha and Gulshan. The only thing I wish to bring to your notice is that although it is true that there are new users signing up daily, there are only one or two of them who actually become active in the forums. What I see becoming a current trend here is someone keeps posting irrelevant questions in any thread and others keep responding to those while the original topic is exhausted or forgotten.
One more thing I wish to add here is that the moderators here are doing a job of keeping the forums clean and they have clear instructions on many issues. There may be mistakes made by moderators at times, after all they are also humans, but I request you all to extend your cooperation and support and not keep questioning their motives every time a thread is locked. Thank you!
Where should i request? :blink:
Should i PM to any one the moderator? :blink:
Yesterday I saw a thread of Ashok Kumar where you asked Sandhya why she made this thread alive? :blink:
But you were mistaken as few minutes of Sandhya's reply Ashok posted a response and answering her she asked him why he doesn't remain online on Boddunan but the thing was that post of Ashok was deleted and you could not see it what happened and eventually locked that thread taunting sandhya which I found something odd. :evil:
I am not complaining but that really would hurt anyone may be Sandhya ignored it. :)
I have ignored it Sanjeev :cheer:
Even send a PM to Kalyani that time itself that that thread was not revived by me, but by Ashok. Now that problem is solved.... no issues. It's just a forgettable mistake.
Any how, thanks a lot for your caring :) :)
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
May be the selection of word is wrong but you know the intention and hope you got it what I meant to say. :) One thing I want to ask why that thread was closed? :blink: . Was there any issue once the post having the links were removed?.May be you are moderator you know it better than us the members. :)
I do not wish to say anything further on this issue, but open that thread now and see how it looks, exactly how it looked to me, everyone talking and thanking about picture links when not even a single link is present there!! So should such a thread be left open for the benefit of everyone to post mere thanks???? :dry: :blink:
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
12 years ago
Guys no need to be worried about the old stale threads being locked after all we are never short of fresh topics. I see a number of new threads in the forum today itself and some of them really have good scope of learning through discussions. So, let us kindly contribute towards making the forum a place of learning for all the members and as well as the guests who visit the site.
Live in the present :)
12 years ago
I will support the work of moderators. They are very well doing their job. It is good to lock useless threads.
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