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13 years ago
Comedy is art, what do you say? Comedians are artist in my view as not all can do it.. :)
Commedy is really a art and it cannot be done by everyone.they need to make laugh other.....
13 years ago
The one who does not know about comedy will end up with a tragedy rather.
13 years ago
comedy is a wonderful art which everyone cannot adopt it , it is for few persons only
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
13 years ago
Yes I heard about that movie once....sometimes comedy comes out with our acts...what do you say...
Heard :evil: ...you must see this movie. Yes sometimes we may not be happy but we may find our happiness in making people laugh at our jokes. :blink:
In that movie he played a joke but his life was full of tragedies, Still he never showed his emotions rather did all the comedy required.
Yes it was so in the movie.He never let sadness effecting his profession. :)
13 years ago
Yes I heard about that movie once....sometimes comedy comes out with our acts...what do you say...
Heard :evil: ...you must see this movie. Yes sometimes we may not be happy but we may find our happiness in making people laugh at our jokes. :blink:
In that movie he played a joker but his life was full of tragedies, Still he never showed his emotions rather did all the comedy required.
Yes it was so in the movie.He never let sadness effecting his profession. :)
He was shown with many episodes of his life and his sufferings along with the role of joker that he played so perfectly.
13 years ago
I agree, Rajani! Of course comedy is an art which requires very fine observation skills and a lot of talent and hard work. Not many can make people laugh seriously!!
I tried to laugh seriously :blush: they started laughing on me. :P
If you are a comedian then you must control your emotion and Never laugh on your jokes.................
13 years ago
Comedian has its own style to attract the audience,to keep the eye contact on them.
Want to make each day Accountable
13 years ago
A comedian has many funda they have various way to make people laugh.Confidence is needed at that point of time..............
13 years ago
A comedian has many funda they have various way to make people laugh.Confidence is needed at that point of time..............
Yes,control on their laugh is also needed.
Because the jokes they tell are funny,so, they also have to control their laugh, to entertain audience.
Want to make each day Accountable
13 years ago
A comedian has many funda they have various way to make people laugh.Confidence is needed at that point of time..............
Yes,control on their laugh is also needed.
Because the jokes they tell are funny,so, they also have to control their laugh, to entertain audience.
They do it very cleanly and don't let anyone knows that they are sad internally because of their profession. :)
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