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Bruce lee ji, ego is different from jealousy. Both of them are not same

Ego is different. This means giving importance to self. But ego causes jealousy. If you do not have ego, you will not be jealous.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gender is no reason to be jealous. This is only lack of talent or incapability that makes one jealous.

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The feeling that some one is going forward or growing or developing. feeling that we are not developed but they are developed.this is jealousy

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I agree with this. Actually jealousy among female is more and its outcome is true is poisonous.
Yes we ask a question that if a woman can cook an item in one hour than in how much time 10 women cook that ?
I do agree that jealousy is mostly seen women compared to men. Think men has 20% of jealousy then 80% of jealousy is women

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

[quote]Yes we ask a question that if a woman can cook an item in one hour than in how much time 10 women cook that ?[/quote]
answer to my question>>>>
I am surprised to see that jealousy is gender specific. I don't think so.

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If the people are not educated then there is jealousy according to the gender. If educated there is no gender specific

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I do agree that jealousy is mostly seen women compared to men. Think men has 20% of jealousy then 80% of jealousy is women

I can't agree with you.
Jealousy is not gender specific, but I agree, people are more jealous towards same sex :P :P :P

Meera sandhu
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