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13 years ago
:) :laugh: If I become chief minister, I will ask the authorities to repair roads permanently, provide free buildings with food and stay for the aged people, orphans and women who are alone, provide more ladies buses and if possible trains, ask the police to control goondas otherwise lose job, reduce the school bag burden and abolish dowry in my state, all this I can make orders in a day, if possible. Thanks for the question.
13 years ago
No I don't want to become CM for one day, that is not enough for what I am planning to do.
You won't be able to complete these if you make five yearly plan otherwise you can do some of the tasks you have thought to do. :)
13 years ago
Even the securities will be given money to kill a honest person in this world.
You mean that is best way to do harakiri, spare me I have so many things else to do. CM is not my priority.
13 years ago
Even the securities will be given money to kill a honest person in this world.
You mean that is best way to do harakiri, spare me I have so many things else to do. CM is not my priority.
But ,ost of the CMs do it.I know every one says it in the starting even Mayawati too used to say it but see now what she does. :laugh:
13 years ago
Sanjeev every good politician says that he is not interested in posts etc but basically he is in politics for power and posts.
13 years ago
Let us wait for some more wise replies....I think, no politicians in our group. No impressed replies have come yet
This is correct. There are no politicians in Boddunan. Even if they were here, you cannot expect honest reply from them.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
Yes you are right Gulshan ji there is no need to stay here for them as they are earning unlimited money from other resources.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
13 years ago
Sanjeev every good politician says that he is not interested in posts etc but basically he is in politics for power and posts.
That shows you have all the qualities to become a politician and eagerly waiting for some party to give you a ticket. :laugh:
13 years ago
I want to take some action on media which is doing and hiking some unnecessary events.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
I want to take some action on media which is doing and hiking some unnecessary events.
So, you have stopped running after terrorists? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Also, is media the no.1 problem of our states?????
Meera sandhu
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