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It is very difficult to find such people. Mobile has become an essential part of our life.

Yes now a days one cannot think living without mobiles we are so used to it that now we can't leave it. :blink:
The question you asked was 'do we see any one without mobile phone?' The answer is I bought a water melon an hour before and the seller had no mobile phone. :lol:

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Yes some of the members in our country dont use mobile phone as they know the disorders of that.

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But without mobile how can we survive, because these days are not at all good. if a person go out, we will be in tension until the person return home. so mobile phones helps us to know the condition and whereabout of that person

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There is a case I had seen in hospital due to the more use of mobile the skin on face teared.

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The question you asked was 'do we see any one without mobile phone?' The answer is I bought a water melon an hour before and the seller had no mobile phone. :lol:

But you did not ask him may be left it at home today. You must buy a water melon from him tomorrow hopefully you will see his mobile. :laugh:
Mobile phone has become a huge necessity to us as anywhere we can contact to any person.Its convenient has increased its popularity.

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Mobile phone has become a basic necessity in human life.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I remember how tough it was to search someone to talk but with the advent of mobile phones it has become so easy for people to communicate people. :)

I remember in old days we have to wait for our father as there was no way for us to talk to him when he used to be out of home but now a days my kids phone me in evening to ask me when i will come so no more waiting and life has become easy now with the coming of mobiles. :woohoo:
Mobile phone has become a huge necessity to us as anywhere we can contact to any person.Its convenient has increased its popularity.

You see according to data available we have 500 million connection in India today with some people having more than one sim that means more than 1 billion have no mobile.

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