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14 years ago
to reduce the high B.P take two spoons of onion sauce and add same plenty of honey to it and drink it will reduce the bp
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14 years ago
Take neem leaves make it paste and add turmeric powder to it and apply on the fungus it will remove the fungus
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14 years ago
When hand is burnt take a onion and make it as a paste and apply that sauce to the hand so that the wound wont form in it
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14 years ago
Take fresh Cow ghee and heat it and add two drops in your nose so that the cold with cure easily
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14 years ago
Eating daily of nuts,dates,badam,pista gives a good for health and for heart it makes us fine and healthy
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14 years ago
A study says the high-intensity ultrasound provides a non-surgical alternative to liposuction from removing unwanted fat in non-obesity patients
14 years ago
Eat Apples,Green Peas and Beans to Cut Belly Fat.
Now,eat two small apples,one cup of green peas and one-half cup of pinto beans and exercise vigorously for 30mns,two to four times a week.
Now,eat two small apples,one cup of green peas and one-half cup of pinto beans and exercise vigorously for 30mns,two to four times a week.
14 years ago
yes exactly we should a have a heavy breakfast as the body have to work from the starting of the day . if we avoid the breakfast it will lead to weakness of body.
14 years ago
Diet Sodas Increase Waist Size.
In humans diet soda consumption was associated with inc waist circumference.In diabetes-prone mice aspartame raises fasting glucose levels.
In humans diet soda consumption was associated with inc waist circumference.In diabetes-prone mice aspartame raises fasting glucose levels.
14 years ago
During pregnancy intake of Vitamin D supplements are safe and effective for both women and their newborns, reveals study.
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