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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

This saying first appeared in the 3rd century.

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Beauty is only skin deep.

physical beauty is superficial.

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A bee in your bonnet.

Preoccupied or obseseed with an idea.

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Beef and reef.

A type of cuisine that combines both meat and seafood,or restaurant serve such cuisine.

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Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard.

Misheard lyric.

Invented rather than misheard.

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Been there, done that.

To have experienced the topic under discussion,to the point of boredom or complacency.

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Make a bee line for .

Go directly towards.

The phrase derives from the behaviour of bees.

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Beetle browed.

With a furrowed or prominent brow,or woried expression.Formerly,with large or bushy eyebrows.

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Before you could say jack robinson.

In a very shor time; suddenly.

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Beg the question.

This is one of those rare phrases in which the meaning is more debated than the origin.

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