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Bang on about.

Talk repetitively and boringly about something.

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Baptism of fire.

An ordeal or martyrdom.More recently,a soldier's first experience of battle.

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Would n't touch with a barge pole.

said of something or some one so unappealing that one would n't want to approach near.

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Barking up the wrong tree.

Making a mistake or a false assumption in something you are trying to achieve.

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Bated breath.

Breathing that is subdued because of some emotion or difficulty.

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Bean counter.

A disparaging term for an accountant, or anyone who one who is excessively concerned with statistical records or accounts.

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Beast with two backs.

Partners engaged in sexual intercourse.

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Beat around the bush.

Prevaricate and avoid coming to the point.

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Beat swords into ploughshares.

Turn to peaceful pursuits and away from war.

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The living daylights.

A persons eyes,more recently,the life force or consciousness.

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