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11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
We still do have parent-teacher meets and many issues are discussed.But most parents want to socialise and eat some snacks and leave rather than listen to any kind of discussion - very few parents are interested in speeches by eminent personalities which would help and guide them !
@ Rambabu - If the parents want to socialize in Parent-Teacher meet, no one can help such parents.
That is all the more reason growing children should be taught aspects of good parenthood in schools at a receptive age- they will carry it with them for a life time. You are right parent teacher meetings are for socialization and complaints if child is getting low marks.
First of all Parents need counselling , honestly some of the things they come up is simply shocking ! In my own school one father had advised the teacher taking care of Lower KG children (all below 4 years ) to shut his son in the bathroom if he is difficult to handle. Thankfully the teacher had the sense to report this to the head master. But when the head master spke to him , he felt what he said was right and he openly admitted that he whipped the poor child and also locked him up in his house when he was naughty. It is heart breaking when parents are so cruel, why do they have children at all ?
I know one such father whose son is exactly my son's age, just turned 5. This father is used to beating him up and his elder brother at the drop of a hat, result the elder one is too timid and the younger one too aggressive! The parents need counseling in general and in cases like, psychiatric treatment!
In many Western countries beating or abusing a child is a crime and parents are arrested and prosecuted. I have read many times small children and neighbors call the police for help. A child's rights are also recognized. In India we suffer from the illusion that irrespective of the type of parents it is they who know the best for their children including their careers and life partners and where they should work etc. Children are generally raised as a dependent personalities by most parents and this is also a reason why asa a nation we are not very innovative but dependent on external forces for many requirements. Indian parents raise children in an protective and risk averse environment.. Of course there will be exceptions and hopefully they are on the increase.
11 years ago
Yes most parents end up highlighting the failures............that's the problem.
It is time that how to be a good parent should be taught in schools so that children are sensitized of these aspects early on.
It can be done through Teacher-Parent interaction regularly.
I am suggesting that the children who are tomorrows parents be taught good parenthood in schools as a part subject. Parent -teacher meetings are done by very few schools and with large classes are not effective. They are a practice of the past
We still do have parent-teacher meets and many issues are discussed.But most parents want to socialise and eat some snacks and leave rather than listen to any kind of discussion - very few parents are interested in speeches by eminent personalities which would help and guide them !
@ Rambabu - If the parents want to socialize in Parent-Teacher meet, no one can help such parents.
That is all the more reason growing children should be taught aspects of good parenthood in schools at a receptive age- they will carry it with them for a life time. You are right parent teacher meetings are for socialization and complaints if child is getting low marks.
First of all Parents need counselling , honestly some of the things they come up is simply shocking ! In my own school one father had advised the teacher taking care of Lower KG children (all below 4 years ) to shut his son in the bathroom if he is difficult to handle. Thankfully the teacher had the sense to report this to the head master. But when the head master spke to him , he felt what he said was right and he openly admitted that he whipped the poor child and also locked him up in his house when he was naughty. It is heart breaking when parents are so cruel, why do they have children at all ?
I know one such father whose son is exactly my son's age, just turned 5. This father is used to beating him up and his elder brother at the drop of a hat, result the elder one is too timid and the younger one too aggressive! The parents need counseling in general and in cases like, psychiatric treatment!
In many Western countries beating or abusing a child is a crime and parents are arrested and prosecuted. I have read many times small children and neighbors call the police for help. A child's rights are also recognized. In India we suffer from the illusion that irrespective of the type of parents it is they who know the best for their children including their careers and life partners and where they should work etc. Children are generally raised as a dependent personalities by most parents and this is also a reason why asa a nation we are not very innovative but dependent on external forces for many requirements. Indian parents raise children in an protective and risk averse environment.. Of course there will be exceptions and hopefully they are on the increase.
Yes Child abuse is an offence in many countries that amounts to violation of Children Rights. Here, we treat children like children even after the children become grand fathers
11 years ago
Yeah..comparison with a purpose can be helpful only in certain cases. For example if a there are two kids of almost about same age and out of them one is a picky eater where as the other eats all kinds of healthy food. I believe here comparing and coaxing the picky eater to eat and follow the one who eats healthy food can prove healthy. However, the age of kids should be taken into consideration --i mean if you compare two toddlers, one who has started eating rice and other veggies where as the other is unable to eat similar stuff not because she/he is picky or choosy but is allergic to some kind of food, here comparison can prove harmful both for the kid and her/his parents.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
11 years ago
Forget about child abuse cases , here in India I know of an instance where the father bashed his daughter's head againsy the wall ( not the first time either ) and when she thought enough was enough and went to complain about him at the local police station along with her mother who also was at the receiving end, the SI refused to take down the complaint , instead gave them both a lecture on how to compromise and respect the man of the house ! He also called the man to the station and apparently told him to be strict with both his wife and daughter !!!! Is there any hope when lawkeepers have twisted sense of justice ?
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
Yeah..comparison with a purpose can be helpful only in certain cases. For example if a there are two kids of almost about same age and out of them one is a picky eater where as the other eats all kinds of healthy food. I believe here comparing and coaxing the picky eater to eat and follow the one who eats healthy food can prove healthy. However, the age of kids should be taken into consideration --i mean if you compare two toddlers, one who has started eating rice and other veggies where as the other is unable to eat similar stuff not because she/he is picky or choosy but is allergic to some kind of food, here comparison can prove harmful both for the kid and her/his parents.
That's where the wisdom of the parents come to fore. They should be able to draw a line between where to use what.
11 years ago
In US and Canada beating own child is an offense and parents can be prosecuted and this results in more individualistic mind set.
11 years ago
There is no dearth of acts and policies for the protection of Child rights. Even for child abuse and child labor there are acts. But they are lying in the cold storage.
11 years ago
Forget about child abuse cases , here in India I know of an instance where the father bashed his daughter's head againsy the wall ( not the first time either ) and when she thought enough was enough and went to complain about him at the local police station along with her mother who also was at the receiving end, the SI refused to take down the complaint , instead gave them both a lecture on how to compromise and respect the man of the house ! He also called the man to the station and apparently told him to be strict with both his wife and daughter !!!! Is there any hope when lawkeepers have twisted sense of justice ?
It is so horrible and depressing! :sick: Here, we tend to treat children as nonentities, ones not to be taken seriously and therefore when a child reports any kind of abuse against them, they are generally ignored thinking it to be a silly talk. But thankfully, many parents are now becoming more aware and cautious where it comes to parenting and have started treating children with more respect.
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: usha manohar
11 years ago
Forget about child abuse cases , here in India I know of an instance where the father bashed his daughter's head againsy the wall ( not the first time either ) and when she thought enough was enough and went to complain about him at the local police station along with her mother who also was at the receiving end, the SI refused to take down the complaint , instead gave them both a lecture on how to compromise and respect the man of the house ! He also called the man to the station and apparently told him to be strict with both his wife and daughter !!!! Is there any hope when lawkeepers have twisted sense of justice ?
It is so horrible and depressing! :sick: Here, we tend to treat children as nonentities, ones not to be taken seriously and therefore when a child reports any kind of abuse against them, they are generally ignored thinking it to be a silly talk. But thankfully, many parents are now becoming more aware and cautious where it comes to parenting and have started treating children with more respect.[/quote
Very true. We are in the habit of dismissing a child's opinion as. "Childish talk." In this disgusting condition, a silver lining is, though slowly many parents are realizing the importance of good Upbringing.
11 years ago
Forget about child abuse cases , here in India I know of an instance where the father bashed his daughter's head againsy the wall ( not the first time either ) and when she thought enough was enough and went to complain about him at the local police station along with her mother who also was at the receiving end, the SI refused to take down the complaint , instead gave them both a lecture on how to compromise and respect the man of the house ! He also called the man to the station and apparently told him to be strict with both his wife and daughter !!!! Is there any hope when lawkeepers have twisted sense of justice ?
It is so horrible and depressing! :sick: Here, we tend to treat children as nonentities, ones not to be taken seriously and therefore when a child reports any kind of abuse against them, they are generally ignored thinking it to be a silly talk. But thankfully, many parents are now becoming more aware and cautious where it comes to parenting and have started treating children with more respect.
In turn children treat parents as non entities and the gap widens.
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