This fact has aggravated me for a really long time. In India the maximum punishment given to a sex offender is just 10years. After destroying a person's life, 10years imprisonment is the maximum our judiciary can give an offender? People who have been subjected to this atrocity rarely are able to rise above the trauma and live a normal life. They are stuck in their own fears and their social life becomes virtually non existent. People often blame the victims and in most cases the victims blame themselves. Sad and horrible, right? Shouldn't death penalty be given to such monsters? The fear of a death penalty might just scare away people from doing these horrible deeds. What is your take on the topic?
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The punishment should be severe enough such that the crime does not occur again.
Whatever be the punishment for rape, the trauma and blemish is not just owing to act of rape. A man rapes a woman once but the society rapes her throughout her life. For the same act, woman 'loses honor and chastity' whereas man's honor and chastity (celibacy)are intact.

The women in North East and the western countries, do not lose 'honor' in the event of rape. The 'honor' of our women is so fragile. We just need to change this social norm. A woman must not feel shame and must lead a normal life after rape. Rape must be treated as an injury or unwanted act which has nothing to do with 'honor'. Man and boys are also sometimes victims of sodomy. But they do not lose 'honor'

To conclude, put an end to concept of 'honor' of women. The woman's 'honor' should be same as men's. This should not be so fragile. Capital punishment or life imprisonment for rape is no remedy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The punishment for such severe offense must be much severe so such things won't happen....
The punishment in the present judiciary sytem is very normal and for such cases the initial investigation itself takes years. In the mean time the culprits can escape easily in some cases so immediate strict punishments as done in Arab countries are good solutions.. :angry:
I appreciate the honor you have towards Women.But still it is difficult to change the perspective of the male dominated society.So,creating fear for punishments will only solve the problem.
I agree with your ideas and appreciate you Rajani and Gulshan.In my view,the culprit should be punished in such a away that he should feel the pain which he have give to the women.The punishment is suggest is - take away the right hand and left leg. so that he cannot do any of his deeds in his daily life. It will be much painful to him while fullfillinf his daily deeds and he will know the pain of doing such sin.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
I appreciate the honor you have towards Women.But still it is difficult to change the perspective of the male dominated society.So,creating fear for punishments will only solve the problem.[/quote]

Ten year jail is sufficiently big. Even if this punishment is given in most cases, the offence will be reduced. But in most cases, culprits escape punishment. It is certainty of punishment and not harshness that matters.

Even if the males' mind is not changed, women should change. Women bodies should create awareness. A raped woman should not feel guilty. She should do business as usual and not feel the guilt. A beginning should be made by NGOs. The woman must not feel humiliated. It is the man who should be made to feel humiliation for having done the undesirable act. In case of theft, you lose your belongings and thief is punished. You do not feel shame for the theft. Same should be about rape.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Its not the way to punish the culprit Gulshan as you said imprisonment of 10 years. He will be happily leading his life in jail with good food and the co convicts.But the lady who suffered due to him, has lost her reputation and every one treat her badly.Everyone will insult her though her mistake is not there.So for here life will be pain till the end of her death.But the culprit he will be without pain.So this is not correct. As I told before, his right hand and left leg should be take way or made in to unconditioned , then he will know the pain of such sin.

Gulshan you may say no women should think like that, that she lost her reputation and all, But present society is like that only.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The 10 years imprisonment will be happily spent by the culprit yar.Good food,pollution less atmosphere,limited work,money for work done,no worries...nothing.

But I agree with one thing.Changes can happen from women's side too.
Yes, you right changes can be happen from women also, but the pain she feel for her whole life that cannot be known by that culprit right.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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