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At times technology seems a disaster. Best example is Nuclear Technology. It is useful for power generation, has got medicinal usages and also used in Agricultural sector. But many countries including India is using it for Military purpose too.
Technology also has a bad impact on health and lifestyle. In olden days, we were not aware of the word "OBESITY". But now a days children are also obese. :(
In many case technology always kills ethics.
1)Social networks-Many unwanted communities are there which degrades the human society.
2)Cellphone-Allready many ppl knew this
4)Nuclear energy-instead of using it a useful one we try to make wepons and bombs
5)Network-Hacking,piracy etc
6)Media-ef:FTV,WWF,poitical party channels,movies.
Technologies are not intrinsically bad it is rather our uses and applications!
I think technology was discovered with good intention but people are misusing it which is the fact today we have discuss about its bad effects..

As said by sajeetharan Nuclear Energy was intented for good purpose for due to implematation in military it is considered to be bad.

Similarly the case of Internet and Gadgets, home appliances etc..In older days people use to take good care in preparing food and lot of effort was involved too. But in todays world time is a big constraint due to which there is no scope for spending time in eating food also..Our habits are related to time not technology...
It's the age of technology and no going back to old times!It would dominate our lives whether we like it or not.But here again the point to what extent we would allow it to dominates us!
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