Electronics gadgets like "mobile & computers" is the reason of dependancy of humans


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dependence on technology has started the worst times for humans. materialistic lives have started to take place.long gone are the days when human interaction was smooth and nice.nowadays we find almost every1 brooding over their gadgets
I think they can not be avoidable and are part of life...
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It is fate of humankind to depend on gadgets or fellow human beings.We simply cannot help it!!
I could still remember my child hood days waiting for a telegram or a greeting card send by my friend on the eve of my birthday. i could never forget those anxious and exciting moments. But now, no waiting. the card reaches us within seconds.But the feel is really missing. :) :)

What do you say??
Good point nagalakshmi,

technology tends a man to be robotic. yes it suerly is a boon when you want thing done faster but like people always say a manual camera is superior to a digital one.
Right Nagalakshmi! What about those hand-written letters of our near and dear ones which has one out of practice now!
Yes,I would be eagerly waiting for the post man who will be having bunch of letters and cards for me. Nice and happy momentts!!!
Technology has changed our life styles. For example, how many of us walk through steps instead of using lift?
Maybe I think its is exciting an thrilling to wait for hand written letter..that is true but for urgency dont you think it is more reliable that previous days telegram...

However we are misusing technology that is the reason we feel like robots...it should be used for urgent needs which is what most of the people dont do...I have see people talking on mobiles for long time and if you hear their conversation you feel that is it necessary to talk on mobile...And i think even the mobile companies are culprits as they offer to much free talk time.. :angry:
That human touch is missing with the wider application gadgets and technology!!
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