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You are right when looked from the side of company.But as Gulshan said there is no violation as she wished to spread it!

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In a way that is true Abid, but we have to consider the matter of personal willingness too. All she wanted to do was send her boyfriend those photos and not to anyone else. This fellow from Mumbai put up those photos on a porno website without her knowledge. So it is unethical and when she trusted him only to retrieve those photos, he should have loyally stuck to the Confidentiality agreement that Dell has promised to its clients!

So it is not a simple matter of only stealing photos, but also has violated the company's confidentiality agreement, which I am sure the other clients also would not take lightly!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Girls got to be careful in this .COM world. Beware girls. Be cautious always.
i don't blame the guy here..the lady should have taken proper measure to secure her privacy.
Because of the social element of Internet one should be very careful. If the girl is careful nothing goes wrong. :(

As kalyani told it is not a simple matter of stealing photos and this should be considered. :angry:
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