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The NDA government has been tackling problems systematically, we see the petrol prices coming down for the fourth time now...Other prices too have steadied . This measure of sprucing expenditure may seem a small measure but many such measures go a long way in stabilising a shaky and sick economy ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: suni51
Financial deficit is now 83% and govt is forced to adopt such measures due to burden of last decades of expensive expenditure incurred by previous government.

Thank you said by: suni51
Financial deficit is now 83% and govt is forced to adopt such measures due to burden of last decades of expensive expenditure incurred by previous government.

A deficit of 83% means for every Rs 100 spent only Rs 17 is income. This is ridiculous. Every year budget is presented to the Parliament and is scrutinized by Members including Opposition who were from BJP in last ten years. Such deficit cannot be sustained and also cannot develop in a matter of five months. The deficits are generally 4 to 5% and occassionally may go higher but have to be compulsorily corrected in next budget as any budget deficit cannot be allowed beyond certain percent as per parliament restrictions. Kindly check the source of 83% deficit reports. Irrespective of which political ideology one may subscribe facts should be correctly reported.
Each and every successive measures taken by Modis government is bound to be criticised every by the opposition esp the congress supporters who pronbably forget what a scam filled governance they gave and now have probably got away with half the nations wealth stashed away in safe havens...We may never be able to recover it now ...

The main reason one will never be able to recover it is because it is conveniently being searched in safe heavens abroad when in fact it is very much within the country where it is not being searched. Even the FM has now asked his IT officials to start unearthing it within the country after coming to know of the reality. The agents of black money generators have taken the country for a ride by diverting attention that black money is stashed away abroad while it is very much within the country and gainfully being utilized by its perpetrators.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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