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There is absolutely no doubt that Prafull Patel is the main culprit behind downfall of Air India, similar to all other government enterprises where the leaders think only of their own families, relatives and vote bank politics and give less importance to the business venture itself and the final consumers, ie, Indian citizens!

Yesterday Praful Patel was properly grilled by Arnab Goswamy during the news hour and he defended himself very well. which one can understand given the fact that he is seasoned politician. But he did fumble now and then when some tricky questions were put , very clearly goes to show that he has something to hide !

He and his kinfolk are always ready for such grillings and they tend to develop quite thick hide and have answers for everything but sooner or later they do get caught. But since until now, all their follies have been at the cost of people only and they have never suffered even though we know they have things to hide.

This is typical of all age old politicians who thought that the country was their fiefdom and they could what they wanted , a typical Congress mentality where the top families every need and wish is catered to by the public money...I was reading the other day the huge electricity bills incurred by the Gandhi family(s).I hope that Modi puts a stop to all this waste of public money and brings in accountability.

Yeah I read about that too. Another disgusting news piece I read was that several MLAs who had to vacate their government-allotted bungalows while leaving caused a lot of damage inside. They ripped out expensive electrical fittings such as lights, fans, ACs, marble and granite claddings from walls etc. Once hero even took out the tiles from the bathrooms! I am very much sure that the now government will straighten out such people, starting with the Gandhis!

Yes. I too read about the MLAs ransacking of their allotted quarters while vacating. I wonder how these hooligans once ruled us.. Thankfully, the Nation got rid of them. Yeas Modi has his plans to end this type of hooliganism.

Exactly the way they ruled us too, ransacking and looting everything they could lay their hands on! All of them by now must have definitely collected wealth that would last for at least 5-6 generations! :blink:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

There is absolutely no doubt that Prafull Patel is the main culprit behind downfall of Air India, similar to all other government enterprises where the leaders think only of their own families, relatives and vote bank politics and give less importance to the business venture itself and the final consumers, ie, Indian citizens!

Yesterday Praful Patel was properly grilled by Arnab Goswamy during the news hour and he defended himself very well. which one can understand given the fact that he is seasoned politician. But he did fumble now and then when some tricky questions were put , very clearly goes to show that he has something to hide !

He and his kinfolk are always ready for such grillings and they tend to develop quite thick hide and have answers for everything but sooner or later they do get caught. But since until now, all their follies have been at the cost of people only and they have never suffered even though we know they have things to hide.

This is typical of all age old politicians who thought that the country was their fiefdom and they could what they wanted , a typical Congress mentality where the top families every need and wish is catered to by the public money...I was reading the other day the huge electricity bills incurred by the Gandhi family(s).I hope that Modi puts a stop to all this waste of public money and brings in accountability.

Yeah I read about that too. Another disgusting news piece I read was that several MLAs who had to vacate their government-allotted bungalows while leaving caused a lot of damage inside. They ripped out expensive electrical fittings such as lights, fans, ACs, marble and granite claddings from walls etc. Once hero even took out the tiles from the bathrooms! I am very much sure that the now government will straighten out such people, starting with the Gandhis!

Yes. I too read about the MLAs ransacking of their allotted quarters while vacating. I wonder how these hooligans once ruled us.. Thankfully, the Nation got rid of them. Yeas Modi has his plans to end this type of hooliganism.

Exactly the way they ruled us too, ransacking and looting everything they could lay their hands on! All of them by now must have definitely collected wealth that would last for at least 5-6 generations! :blink:

Exactly Kalyani. But what these thieves stolen from the people will be recovered. Already Modi said " None will be spared." And you know he is a man of ACTION.
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