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Politics of convenience is the principle. Moreover, there is a strong Gujarati lobby canvassing for Modi in US. Actually, it is not Manmohan or Modi that US cares about. Whoever may become the PM of India, it is India, a powerful developing nation, that US wants in its side.

Yes, this is extremely believable! There is a vast majority of Gujrati community settled in US and they have a strong hold over the business and financial sectors and many are successful even in political circles, so obviously they may be lobbying for Modi. Yet if we ignore this part, then too US will stand to lose a lot should they turn away from us and Modi becomes the PM> After all we are the major exporter of large numbers of young talents and brains to US!

The educated class of people would know the good and bad of the Nation better than the illiterate or less educated criminals. This is the reason behind this.

I am not sure how this relates to the topic in question, but when we talk about educated class in India, all they do is think of themselves first and foremost and leave the country to US or Europe for better prospects at the first given opportunity! Very few actually think of country first!

I tend to believe no such logical pattern could be at least in India. India is a challenge for the most rigorous intellectual!! The way a section of so-called educated people have been conducting every space of life, you can rest assured, the illiterate ones won't stoop that low, never ever!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Exactly! I have seen quite a few such examples myself, the level to which such people can stoop is really really low at times! :blink:

There are very few people who are EDucated in the real sense ! Most of them are degree holdres with the same old mindset, looking after their own interests and know how best to butter people when it suits them !

Actually such people are not at all educated. They have somehow purchased degree for cash. The % of such people is increasing in India. Therefore the condition of the country is becoming worst.

Yes they are educated illiterates.,

People have no social manners nor do they have civic sense. They clean their own garden and comond and throw the dirt on the street, happens in all cities. This is where a complete education is required where you get to learn how to behave and be aware of your social responsibilities. It starts at home with children learning to appreciate what others do, also requesting by saying please and thanking them etc... People in India tend to think this is shallow because they have not been exposed to anything better and think you go on being as crude as ever !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Politics of convenience is the principle. Moreover, there is a strong Gujarati lobby canvassing for Modi in US. Actually, it is not Manmohan or Modi that US cares about. Whoever may become the PM of India, it is India, a powerful developing nation, that US wants in its side.

Yes, this is extremely believable! There is a vast majority of Gujrati community settled in US and they have a strong hold over the business and financial sectors and many are successful even in political circles, so obviously they may be lobbying for Modi. Yet if we ignore this part, then too US will stand to lose a lot should they turn away from us and Modi becomes the PM> After all we are the major exporter of large numbers of young talents and brains to US!

The educated class of people would know the good and bad of the Nation better than the illiterate or less educated criminals. This is the reason behind this.

I am not sure how this relates to the topic in question, but when we talk about educated class in India, all they do is think of themselves first and foremost and leave the country to US or Europe for better prospects at the first given opportunity! Very few actually think of country first!

I tend to believe no such logical pattern could be at least in India. India is a challenge for the most rigorous intellectual!! The way a section of so-called educated people have been conducting every space of life, you can rest assured, the illiterate ones won't stoop that low, never ever!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Exactly! I have seen quite a few such examples myself, the level to which such people can stoop is really really low at times! :blink:

There are very few people who are EDucated in the real sense ! Most of them are degree holdres with the same old mindset, looking after their own interests and know how best to butter people when it suits them !

Actually such people are not at all educated. They have somehow purchased degree for cash. The % of such people is increasing in India. Therefore the condition of the country is becoming worst.

Yes they are educated illiterates.,

People have no social manners nor do they have civic sense. They clean their own garden and comond and throw the dirt on the street, happens in all cities. This is where a complete education is required where you get to learn how to behave and be aware of your social responsibilities. It starts at home with children learning to appreciate what others do, also requesting by saying please and thanking them etc... People in India tend to think this is shallow because they have not been exposed to anything better and think you go on being as crude as ever !

The mindset,'anywhere that's not in their home is a dustbin.".This culture is visible more in apartments. And these are the same people who claim proudly that they live in urban areas. Rural folks are much better than these pseudo Urbanites..
The mindset of people have been becoming smaller as they only look at their own den and even they want to throws garbage nearer to their neighbors and they are forgetting even that can affect them in real terms, for this a proper sense of ethics in mind is the need of hour, I think we should learn these from some of developed countries where citizens feel the sense of cleanliness all over and they are thinking it is their duty to act on that manner.

The mindset of people have been becoming smaller as they only look at their own den and even they want to throws garbage nearer to their neighbors and they are forgetting even that can affect them in real terms, for this a proper sense of ethics in mind is the need of hour, I think we should learn these from some of developed countries where citizens feel the sense of cleanliness all over and they are thinking it is their duty to act on that manner.

For all useless things we rush towards western countries. Good things like civic sense are conveniently thrown in trash bins.
When someone keeps on winning after facing all kinds of odds, he becomes a hero. He becomes idol for others. All sins and wrong doings are forgotten by all. This is mental setup of many people.
When someone keeps on winning after facing all kinds of odds, he becomes a hero. He becomes idol for others. All sins and wrong doings are forgotten by all. This is mental setup of many people.

Very true. With one success erstwhile worst critics will become best friends all the while heaping praises over the victor.
Politics of convenience is the principle. Moreover, there is a strong Gujarati lobby canvassing for Modi in US. Actually, it is not Manmohan or Modi that US cares about. Whoever may become the PM of India, it is India, a powerful developing nation, that US wants in its side.

Yes, this is extremely believable! There is a vast majority of Gujrati community settled in US and they have a strong hold over the business and financial sectors and many are successful even in political circles, so obviously they may be lobbying for Modi. Yet if we ignore this part, then too US will stand to lose a lot should they turn away from us and Modi becomes the PM> After all we are the major exporter of large numbers of young talents and brains to US!

The educated class of people would know the good and bad of the Nation better than the illiterate or less educated criminals. This is the reason behind this.

I am not sure how this relates to the topic in question, but when we talk about educated class in India, all they do is think of themselves first and foremost and leave the country to US or Europe for better prospects at the first given opportunity! Very few actually think of country first!

I tend to believe no such logical pattern could be at least in India. India is a challenge for the most rigorous intellectual!! The way a section of so-called educated people have been conducting every space of life, you can rest assured, the illiterate ones won't stoop that low, never ever!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Exactly! I have seen quite a few such examples myself, the level to which such people can stoop is really really low at times! :blink:

There are very few people who are EDucated in the real sense ! Most of them are degree holdres with the same old mindset, looking after their own interests and know how best to butter people when it suits them !

Actually such people are not at all educated. They have somehow purchased degree for cash. The % of such people is increasing in India. Therefore the condition of the country is becoming worst.

Yes they are educated illiterates.,

People have no social manners nor do they have civic sense. They clean their own garden and comond and throw the dirt on the street, happens in all cities. This is where a complete education is required where you get to learn how to behave and be aware of your social responsibilities. It starts at home with children learning to appreciate what others do, also requesting by saying please and thanking them etc... People in India tend to think this is shallow because they have not been exposed to anything better and think you go on being as crude as ever !

The mindset,'anywhere that's not in their home is a dustbin.".This culture is visible more in apartments. And these are the same people who claim proudly that they live in urban areas. Rural folks are much better than these pseudo Urbanites..

I find some of the things amazing ! People woould rather carry their garbage bags and dump them anywhere they please rather than pay a paltry sum of Rs 60 to the corporation garbage collector.Thankfully now our corporation is making it compulsory for everyone to pay..
Coming back to the topic, the recent elections and BJP winning them has made a lot of difference here in my state as well...After the state elections where BJP lost badly it was being criticised and now the media is suddenly singing different tunes about how things would have been better if BJP was in power because the present Congress govt is making one blunder after the other..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Politics of convenience is the principle. Moreover, there is a strong Gujarati lobby canvassing for Modi in US. Actually, it is not Manmohan or Modi that US cares about. Whoever may become the PM of India, it is India, a powerful developing nation, that US wants in its side.

Yes, this is extremely believable! There is a vast majority of Gujrati community settled in US and they have a strong hold over the business and financial sectors and many are successful even in political circles, so obviously they may be lobbying for Modi. Yet if we ignore this part, then too US will stand to lose a lot should they turn away from us and Modi becomes the PM> After all we are the major exporter of large numbers of young talents and brains to US!

The educated class of people would know the good and bad of the Nation better than the illiterate or less educated criminals. This is the reason behind this.

I am not sure how this relates to the topic in question, but when we talk about educated class in India, all they do is think of themselves first and foremost and leave the country to US or Europe for better prospects at the first given opportunity! Very few actually think of country first!

I tend to believe no such logical pattern could be at least in India. India is a challenge for the most rigorous intellectual!! The way a section of so-called educated people have been conducting every space of life, you can rest assured, the illiterate ones won't stoop that low, never ever!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Exactly! I have seen quite a few such examples myself, the level to which such people can stoop is really really low at times! :blink:

There are very few people who are EDucated in the real sense ! Most of them are degree holdres with the same old mindset, looking after their own interests and know how best to butter people when it suits them !

Actually such people are not at all educated. They have somehow purchased degree for cash. The % of such people is increasing in India. Therefore the condition of the country is becoming worst.

Yes they are educated illiterates.,

People have no social manners nor do they have civic sense. They clean their own garden and comond and throw the dirt on the street, happens in all cities. This is where a complete education is required where you get to learn how to behave and be aware of your social responsibilities. It starts at home with children learning to appreciate what others do, also requesting by saying please and thanking them etc... People in India tend to think this is shallow because they have not been exposed to anything better and think you go on being as crude as ever !

The mindset,'anywhere that's not in their home is a dustbin.".This culture is visible more in apartments. And these are the same people who claim proudly that they live in urban areas. Rural folks are much better than these pseudo Urbanites..

I find some of the things amazing ! People woould rather carry their garbage bags and dump them anywhere they please rather than pay a paltry sum of Rs 60 to the corporation garbage collector.Thankfully now our corporation is making it compulsory for everyone to pay..
Coming back to the topic, the recent elections and BJP winning them has made a lot of difference here in my state as well...After the state elections where BJP lost badly it was being criticised and now the media is suddenly singing different tunes about how things would have been better if BJP was in power because the present Congress govt is making one blunder after the other..

The practice of garbage collection is here since a long time. Incidentally I made a series of posters for our corporation to spread awareness in the people for disposing off garbage.
The same trend of heaping praises on BJP is prevalent here . After the congress decision to bifurcate the state even the the congress people who are against bifurcation are praising the BJP after its land slide victory in the recent elections. Nothing succeeds success.
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