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Every person has motive on the earth. The survive till they achieve their goal. Thereafter their death becomes more peaceful than their life. Nelson Mandela was among the great souls who lived for the sake of mankind.
Thank you said by: suni51
A true iconic figure leaves this planet leaving his permanent footprint upon it!! Mandela is no more, long live Mandela!!
Thank you said by: suni51
He was a noble prize winner. He struggled a lot in his life. He spent 27 years of life in prison. It a great loss to the world to lose such a great person. :blink:
Thank you said by: suni51
He was a noble prize winner. He struggled a lot in his life. He spent 27 years of life in prison. It a great loss to the world to lose such a great person. :blink:

Our greats have been tumbling over one another in paying their homage to him, rest assured, it is nothing but a pose!!! They have neither imbibed his teachings nor are they remotely capable of making the supreme sacrifices at the altar of idealism!!
Aung San Suu Kyi or - Mother Suu of Myanmar stands somewhere near Nelson Mandela. She received the Rafto Prize and the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 1990 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. She has been honored because she spent her life in jails or under house arrests for the sake of people of her country. she was awarded the Jawaharlal Nehru Award in 1992 by our government. There are many more awards by world's top countries for the contribution she made for her people unthinkable for most of our leders.

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Aung San Suu Kyi , Madiba, Nelson Mandela fondly called by the people of SA are born with a Mission. And the greatest fact is, for both of them, GandhiJi was the fountain of inspiration. Even for Martin Luther King Jr,who fought for the African-American Civil rights,GandhiJi was the inspiration and the weapon used by all is Non-violent disobedience, which GandhiJi effectively used to achieve independence for India.
Someone in north east is going fast for ten or twenty years, I am not able to recall her name, all these seems to be real champion of human liberty and they have sacrificed their life, the entire span for the basic rights of individuals, they must be super human beings with wonderful brain and they have plenty more power to control their aggressions from the so called administrators. It seems that some where in the world from time to time the philosophy of real Gandhism is running and inspiring generations. :whistle: :whistle:

Latest being Malala Yousafzai Pakistani schoolgirl who defied threats of the Taliban to campaign for the human rights. This 14 year old girl from Pakistan has become a global advocate for human rights.
Someone in north east is going fast for ten or twenty years, I am not able to recall her name, all these seems to be real champion of human liberty and they have sacrificed their life, the entire span for the basic rights of individuals, they must be super human beings with wonderful brain and they have plenty more power to control their aggressions from the so called administrators. It seems that some where in the world from time to time the philosophy of real Gandhism is running and inspiring generations. :whistle: :whistle:

Are you talking about Sharmila Chanu's fast in Manipur. Yes, she is an intrepid crusader!!
Thank you said by: rambabu
Someone in north east is going fast for ten or twenty years, I am not able to recall her name, all these seems to be real champion of human liberty and they have sacrificed their life, the entire span for the basic rights of individuals, they must be super human beings with wonderful brain and they have plenty more power to control their aggressions from the so called administrators. It seems that some where in the world from time to time the philosophy of real Gandhism is running and inspiring generations. :whistle: :whistle:

Are you talking about Sharmila Chanu's fast in Manipur. Yes, she is an intrepid crusader!!

Yes. He was talking about Sharmila. I too was struggling to recall her name. Thank you for reminding her name.
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