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One more reason Nelson Mandela's would remain etched in gold or even the highest precious metal that this giant of a leader who was the worst victim of apartheid spending his golden years behind the bar never tolerated any form of discrimination even after South Africa came into being allowing the whites to fully integrate themselves in that country. And about power he remained President as long as the situation demanded and stepped down the moment he was convinced that it was time. It is this rare quality that marks him out! Look at power-drunk politicians of India, they never retire!! I heard that Morarji harbored an illusion that he would be PM again when he was into his nineties because his astrologer predicted that!!! :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: The grumpy face of Advani says it all!! What a shame. Madiba did not raise a Mandela family to rule the country- to rule the South Africa for ever and here lies the greatness of the leader, I stand and salute Him!!!
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
Someone in north east is going fast for ten or twenty years, I am not able to recall her name, all these seems to be real champion of human liberty and they have sacrificed their life, the entire span for the basic rights of individuals, they must be super human beings with wonderful brain and they have plenty more power to control their aggressions from the so called administrators. It seems that some where in the world from time to time the philosophy of real Gandhism is running and inspiring generations. :whistle: :whistle:

Are you talking about Sharmila Chanu's fast in Manipur. Yes, she is an intrepid crusader!!
Yes she is also fasting for years and never worried abt. media glitz like AAP's Kejriwal, she is doing her job and hope for one day her work will succeed.

Someone in north east is going fast for ten or twenty years, I am not able to recall her name, all these seems to be real champion of human liberty and they have sacrificed their life, the entire span for the basic rights of individuals, they must be super human beings with wonderful brain and they have plenty more power to control their aggressions from the so called administrators. It seems that some where in the world from time to time the philosophy of real Gandhism is running and inspiring generations. :whistle: :whistle:

Are you talking about Sharmila Chanu's fast in Manipur. Yes, she is an intrepid crusader!!
Yes she is also fasting for years and never worried abt. media glitz like AAP's Kejriwal, she is doing her job and hope for one day her work will succeed.

Yes. It's her dedication that gave strength to her relentless movement for years. It's with the same dedication Mandela spent 27 years in prison. Such people never give up. They carry on their mission until they achieve their goals.
When South Africa freed herself from the White rule, many predicted that the nation would disintegrate in no time in the face of dissension and inner conflicts and Nelson Mandela drew on all his magical statesmanship to make what South Africa is today.
Yes he will be in every heart of the world for his sacrifice for South Africa. The World will miss you.
When South Africa freed herself from the White rule, many predicted that the nation would disintegrate in no time in the face of dissension and inner conflicts and Nelson Mandela drew on all his magical statesmanship to make what South Africa is today.

Leaders with charisma alone can make seemingly impossible things possible. Mandela is a leader with charisma.
When South Africa freed herself from the White rule, many predicted that the nation would disintegrate in no time in the face of dissension and inner conflicts and Nelson Mandela drew on all his magical statesmanship to make what South Africa is today.

And even after stepping down as the head of the state, he continued to work relentlessly and untiringly to unite all the people ! If he had chosen to, he could have projected any of his children and people would have accepted it as their love for their Madiba is so great, but he chose not to do so, truly an epitome grace and dignity!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

When South Africa freed herself from the White rule, many predicted that the nation would disintegrate in no time in the face of dissension and inner conflicts and Nelson Mandela drew on all his magical statesmanship to make what South Africa is today.

And even after stepping down as the head of the state, he continued to work relentlessly and untiringly to unite all the people ! If he had chosen to, he could have projected any of his children and people would have accepted it as their love for their Madiba is so great, but he chose not to do so, truly an epitome grace and dignity!

This marks him out!! When he left his office he had the satisfaction that he did his job well which was to put his country on the path of progress and more importantly on a solid foundation of democracy. He never even thought of cling on to office like some of our senile politicians!!
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