RIP - NELSON Mandela. He, led South Africa out of apartheid and became the nation's first black president is no more. He has died at the age of 95.

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RIP - NELSON Mandela. He, led South Africa out of apartheid and became the nation's first black president is no more. He has died at the age of 95.

You fought with the mighty White regime and won, and won the hearts of all allover the world. May your soul rest in peace.
He was the Mahatma of South Africa. A greatly admirable man. He will remain an inspiration to mankind.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Mandela was awarded the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize and drew deep respect from almost every South African as he was truly the Father of the Nation. may God rest his soul in Peace.

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Mandela was awarded the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize and drew deep respect from almost every South African as he was truly the Father of the Nation. may God rest his soul in Peace.

He was awarded Bharat Ratna. He was the second foreigner to be awarded this highest civilian honor of India.
Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa was one of the most respected leaders across the world. He fought tirelssly agianst discrimination , injustice and apartheid , will always be an inspiration for everyone. May his soul rest in peace !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
It is a sad loss not only for the African world but for the whole world as a whole! He will always remain an inspiration for all. May his soul rest in peace!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: suni51
Two small words that we should all say today- Thank you - to Nelson Mandela - silently or out loud to salute the extraordinary life of one of the most inspiring person, this world will ever see.

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Two small words that we should all say today- Thank you - to Nelson Mandela - silently or out loud to salute the extraordinary life of one of the most inspiring person, this world will ever see.
A true gandhian, he changed the rainbow nation, and now it is free for all races there, Australian cricketers and England cricketers who are playing Ashes, bowed to this great man, who have changed the world from the principles of ours own one and only true Gandhiji.

Thank you said by: suni51
Two small words that we should all say today- Thank you - to Nelson Mandela - silently or out loud to salute the extraordinary life of one of the most inspiring person, this world will ever see.
A true gandhian, he changed the rainbow nation, and now it is free for all races there, Australian cricketers and England cricketers who are playing Ashes, bowed to this great man, who have changed the world from the principles of ours own one and only true Gandhiji.

Incidentally, the Indian team is in South Africa for their tour and I am sure they will also pay their homage to this great man on the ground before playing their next match.

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Thank you said by: mohan manohar
Two small words that we should all say today- Thank you - to Nelson Mandela - silently or out loud to salute the extraordinary life of one of the most inspiring person, this world will ever see.
A true gandhian, he changed the rainbow nation, and now it is free for all races there, Australian cricketers and England cricketers who are playing Ashes, bowed to this great man, who have changed the world from the principles of ours own one and only true Gandhiji.

It's a matter of pride for all Indians as he was greatly inspired by our own Apostle of Ahimsa, Gandhiji.And the mention worthy point is It was in South Africa, the seed for "Non-cooperation" was sown, that was to become as famous as satyagraha and the concept of Satyagraha has inspired Martin Luther King Jr.
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