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Well, I saw this on TV too.. And Pakistan is saying that they have no hands in it.. well, its really hard to believe.

That is expected. Knowing Pakistan well all of us know that Pak will dismiss the allegations as baseless.

There is no sense in Pakistan claiming that they have no hand in killing Indian soldiers. It suffices that attack was from Pakistan territory. For us Pakistan army, terrorist operating there in whatever uniform- all mean one and same thing.

Exactly ! It is the responsibility of the country concerned to see that such irresponsible actions dont take place, one cannot play around with peoples lives...

Since the Prime minister has only recently sworn into his post, it is hardly surprising! How many more times are we going to have a similar discussion? :blink:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Question - How do we know that they were terrorists in Pak army dress with heavy fire power?
Question 2- What were they doing on Pakistan border without knowledge of Pakistani security forces?
Question 3- Why our government does not accept the fact that our army persons were ambushed and killed by Pakistani army?
Question 4- Why a proper step is still pending to counter this attack and grab the culprits, or declaring our soldiers martyrs is enough?
Question 5- Shall we sing the old patriotic songs all over for few days and forget everything as usual?

Your all questions are contemporary. Indeed it is character of we Indians to cry for some days are there after forget every thing. Our minister know. Indeed, for proper and hard step one should be have moral power. But our most of corrupt politicians have not this power. We needs Sardar Patel of Indira Gandhi.
Thank you said by: suni51
Question - How do we know that they were terrorists in Pak army dress with heavy fire power?
Question 2- What were they doing on Pakistan border without knowledge of Pakistani security forces?
Question 3- Why our government does not accept the fact that our army persons were ambushed and killed by Pakistani army?
Question 4- Why a proper step is still pending to counter this attack and grab the culprits, or declaring our soldiers martyrs is enough?
Question 5- Shall we sing the old patriotic songs all over for few days and forget everything as usual?

Your all questions are contemporary. Indeed it is character of we Indians to cry for some days are there after forget every thing. Our minister know. Indeed, for proper and hard step one should be have moral power. But our most of corrupt politicians have not this power. We needs Sardar Patel of Indira Gandhi.

We have tons of question but there is no one who will answer them. They are too busy making election strategies.

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Question - How do we know that they were terrorists in Pak army dress with heavy fire power?
Question 2- What were they doing on Pakistan border without knowledge of Pakistani security forces?
Question 3- Why our government does not accept the fact that our army persons were ambushed and killed by Pakistani army?
Question 4- Why a proper step is still pending to counter this attack and grab the culprits, or declaring our soldiers martyrs is enough?
Question 5- Shall we sing the old patriotic songs all over for few days and forget everything as usual?

Your all questions are contemporary. Indeed it is character of we Indians to cry for some days are there after forget every thing. Our minister know. Indeed, for proper and hard step one should be have moral power. But our most of corrupt politicians have not this power. We needs Sardar Patel of Indira Gandhi.

We have tons of question but there is no one who will answer them. They are too busy making election strategies.

Exactly. Its an attempt to grab as many votes as possible from their "Vote Bank ATMs."
Well, I saw this on TV too.. And Pakistan is saying that they have no hands in it.. well, its really hard to believe.

That is expected. Knowing Pakistan well all of us know that Pak will dismiss the allegations as baseless.

There is no sense in Pakistan claiming that they have no hand in killing Indian soldiers. It suffices that attack was from Pakistan territory. For us Pakistan army, terrorist operating there in whatever uniform- all mean one and same thing.

Exactly ! It is the responsibility of the country concerned to see that such irresponsible actions dont take place, one cannot play around with peoples lives...

Since the Prime minister has only recently sworn into his post, it is hardly surprising! How many more times are we going to have a similar discussion? :blink:

LOL, it is like a merry go round, discusing the same topics under different headings ... :cheer:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Well, I saw this on TV too.. And Pakistan is saying that they have no hands in it.. well, its really hard to believe.

That is expected. Knowing Pakistan well all of us know that Pak will dismiss the allegations as baseless.

There is no sense in Pakistan claiming that they have no hand in killing Indian soldiers. It suffices that attack was from Pakistan territory. For us Pakistan army, terrorist operating there in whatever uniform- all mean one and same thing.

Exactly ! It is the responsibility of the country concerned to see that such irresponsible actions dont take place, one cannot play around with peoples lives...

Since the Prime minister has only recently sworn into his post, it is hardly surprising! How many more times are we going to have a similar discussion? :blink:

LOL, it is like a merry go round, discusing the same topics under different headings ... :cheer:

The merry-go-round goes on unrelentingly and periodically at the border areas and the merry-go-round of similar discussions keep happening here too with regular intervals! There is no conclusion to it neither there is any solution, the answer to all is only one God Only Knows! :blink:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Well, I saw this on TV too.. And Pakistan is saying that they have no hands in it.. well, its really hard to believe.

That is expected. Knowing Pakistan well all of us know that Pak will dismiss the allegations as baseless.

There is no sense in Pakistan claiming that they have no hand in killing Indian soldiers. It suffices that attack was from Pakistan territory. For us Pakistan army, terrorist operating there in whatever uniform- all mean one and same thing.

Exactly ! It is the responsibility of the country concerned to see that such irresponsible actions dont take place, one cannot play around with peoples lives...

Since the Prime minister has only recently sworn into his post, it is hardly surprising! How many more times are we going to have a similar discussion? :blink:

LOL, it is like a merry go round, discusing the same topics under different headings ... :cheer:

The merry-go-round goes on unrelentingly and periodically at the border areas and the merry-go-round of similar discussions keep happening here too with regular intervals! There is no conclusion to it neither there is any solution, the answer to all is only one God Only Knows! :blink:

The problem is that we are too defensive. Often offence is the best Defence. We need some times to tease our neighbors by border violations instead of always defending. It will also be better to rename Ministry of Defence as Ministry of military affairs.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Well, I saw this on TV too.. And Pakistan is saying that they have no hands in it.. well, its really hard to believe.

That is expected. Knowing Pakistan well all of us know that Pak will dismiss the allegations as baseless.

There is no sense in Pakistan claiming that they have no hand in killing Indian soldiers. It suffices that attack was from Pakistan territory. For us Pakistan army, terrorist operating there in whatever uniform- all mean one and same thing.

Exactly ! It is the responsibility of the country concerned to see that such irresponsible actions dont take place, one cannot play around with peoples lives...

Since the Prime minister has only recently sworn into his post, it is hardly surprising! How many more times are we going to have a similar discussion? :blink:

LOL, it is like a merry go round, discusing the same topics under different headings ... :cheer:

The merry-go-round goes on unrelentingly and periodically at the border areas and the merry-go-round of similar discussions keep happening here too with regular intervals! There is no conclusion to it neither there is any solution, the answer to all is only one God Only Knows! :blink:

The problem is that we are too defensive. Often offence is the best Defence. We need some times to tease our neighbors by border violations instead of always defending. It will also be better to rename Ministry of Defence as Ministry of military affairs.

Exactly! The merry-go-round goes on and on because we are only defensive and to a larger extent, too slovenly even to take action against such outrage. The disgusting incident where our soldiers were beheaded in such an inhuman manner is not so old, but we failed to take any action then, and consequently the fresh tragedy has occurred.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
We need be more proactive. But jingoism and needless brave talk and threatening help as Baba Ramdev would suggest. He suggests thatif Modi were PM, he would get many Pakistan soldiers killed in retaliation. Now ask him what BJP did when they were in power. Our foreign minister handed over terrorists to them freeing them from jail. Jingoism is possible only when you are in opposition.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We need be more proactive. But jingoism and needless brave talk and threatening help as Baba Ramdev would suggest. He suggests thatif Modi were PM, he would get many Pakistan soldiers killed in retaliation. Now ask him what BJP did when they were in power. Our foreign minister handed over terrorists to them freeing them from jail. Jingoism is possible only when you are in opposition.

Baba Ramdev's futile talk need not be taken in to account. Anyhow Defense, minister Has issued a statement after a clarification from the army chief that Pakistan has killed 5 Indian jawans . And he has withdrawn his earlier statement.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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