In a tragic turn of events, five Indian soldiers were killed by Pakistan soldiers or terrorists in army uniform. Position on borderisgetting critical.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Question - How do we know that they were terrorists in Pak army dress with heavy fire power?
Question 2- What were they doing on Pakistan border without knowledge of Pakistani security forces?
Question 3- Why our government does not accept the fact that our army persons were ambushed and killed by Pakistani army?
Question 4- Why a proper step is still pending to counter this attack and grab the culprits, or declaring our soldiers martyrs is enough?
Question 5- Shall we sing the old patriotic songs all over for few days and forget everything as usual?

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In a tragic turn of events, five Indian soldiers were killed by Pakistan soldiers or terrorists in army uniform. Position on borderisgetting critical.

Pak soldiers and a group of terrorists penetrated in to the Indian territory and ambushed the Indian army. Don't you think it's a regular affair ? We got used to it. There is nothing new.
Yes, it is a regular affair and we have become used to it. Our government is so busy doing so many things they have no time to look in such matters beyond their routine warnings and announcement of compensations. They will take up the matter with Pakistani government as and when they find time.

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Yes, it is a regular affair and we have become used to it. Our government is so busy doing so many things they have no time to look in such matters beyond their routine warnings and announcement of compensations. They will take up the matter with Pakistani government as and when they find time.

As if its not enough today our honourable minister for defence gave a clean chit to Pak army. Where as the defence ministry officials clearly told that the Indian army was ambushed inside the Indian territory. What a country, hai hai !!!!
Yes, it is a regular affair and we have become used to it. Our government is so busy doing so many things they have no time to look in such matters beyond their routine warnings and announcement of compensations. They will take up the matter with Pakistani government as and when they find time.

As if its not enough today our honourable minister for defence gave a clean chit to Pak army. Where as the defence ministry officials clearly told that the Indian army was ambushed inside the Indian territory. What a country, hai hai !!!!

Our defence minister obviously has his own sources to reach to the conclusion at such a great speed. We have an intelligence service at his disposal.

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For us, this should suffice that the offenders from Pakistan territory killed our soldiers. Terrorist or soldiers- this is not our concern. Pakistan is responsible for the outrage.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

For us, this should suffice that the offenders from Pakistan territory killed our soldiers. Terrorist or soldiers- this is not our concern. Pakistan is responsible for the outrage.

But our government is unable to act because we do not interfere in other nations' internal matters. To deal with terrorists belonging to Pakistan is not our concern.

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Yes, it is a regular affair and we have become used to it. Our government is so busy doing so many things they have no time to look in such matters beyond their routine warnings and announcement of compensations. They will take up the matter with Pakistani government as and when they find time.

As if its not enough today our honourable minister for defence gave a clean chit to Pak army. Where as the defence ministry officials clearly told that the Indian army was ambushed inside the Indian territory. What a country, hai hai !!!!

Our defence minister obviously has his own sources to reach to the conclusion at such a great speed. We have an intelligence service at his disposal.

can there be a better source than the officials of his own ministry?
Well, I saw this on TV too.. And Pakistan is saying that they have no hands in it.. well, its really hard to believe.

By now a few thousand soldiers must have died in such a manner...and our government goes about as if it is not a matter that is of great concern ! This is precisely why we need a chage of scene at the center and hope the next elected government has a strong man at the helm of affairs and sends out clear messages to all concerned, soldiers and terrorists both from across the border that India cannot be fiddled around with and those who do will have to pay the price !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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