It was one of the most liberal colleges with youngsters going round in the most mod dresses,hair cuts and mini skirts.But now they are imposing a dress code and also a name tag which the students are supposed to carry round their neck all the time.This has not gone down well with the students who feel that their freedom is being unnecessarily curtailed...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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The decision to enforce dress code is welcome. Displaying identity card on dress is also okay. This will ensure uniformity, decorum and also ensure more security as college administration claims. Dress code in college is not infringement of liberty. It is necessary to follow the rules of the institution you belong to.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The decision to enforce dress code is welcome. Displaying identity card on dress is also okay. This will ensure uniformity, decorum and also ensure more security as college administration claims. Dress code in college is not infringement of liberty. It is necessary to follow the rules of the institution you belong to.

Taking the atmosphere in our society the college has probably come to this decision which is of course in the best interest of the students.They can dress as they want when they go out on their own....

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It was one of the most liberal colleges with youngsters going round in the most mod dresses,hair cuts and mini skirts.But now they are imposing a dress code and also a name tag which the students are supposed to carry round their neck all the time.This has not gone down well with the students who feel that their freedom is being unnecessarily curtailed...

By imposing a dress code freedom is not curtailed. A sense of ‘Oneness and belonging’ is the intention behind a dress code. For the same reason army has a dress code.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Imposing dress code does not curtail the freedom of the students in any way. In fact, it will improve the academic atmosphere of the institutions. Even in Imphal, since the past few years, every colleges have imposed dress code for students.
Dress code brings sense of uniformity everywhere. People feel comfortable working together with each other. Students coming out of institutes with dress code behave better while work for big companies where they have to work with a dress code.

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Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Imposing dress code does not curtail the freedom of the students in any way. In fact, it will improve the academic atmosphere of the institutions. Even in Imphal, since the past few years, every colleges have imposed dress code for students.

I agree ! Many colleges in our state too have dress codes for junior college students and certain regulations about dressing which I feel is good.We need to have discipline in schools and colleges which is good in training the and disciplining the minds of youngsters..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

@ Rambabu - By imposing a dress code freedom is not curtailed. A sense of ‘Oneness and belonging’ is the intention behind a dress code. For the same reason army has a dress code.

Dress code brings sense of uniformity everywhere. People feel comfortable working together with each other. Students coming out of institutes with dress code behave better while work for big companies where they have to work with a dress code.

I agree that there is nothing wrong in imposing a dress code, my children while studying their pre university had dress code in their colleges and they had no complaints since it is there in all colleges here in Mangalore ...More than anything it instils a sense of discipline and also awareness of what is accepted within our society and what is not...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
It was one of the most liberal colleges with youngsters going round in the most mod dresses,hair cuts and mini skirts.But now they are imposing a dress code and also a name tag which the students are supposed to carry round their neck all the time.This has not gone down well with the students who feel that their freedom is being unnecessarily curtailed...

After looking present situation when rape very common it is not wrong. Safety is first than freedom. In my city all girls collage have dress code.
It was one of the most liberal colleges with youngsters going round in the most mod dresses,hair cuts and mini skirts.But now they are imposing a dress code and also a name tag which the students are supposed to carry round their neck all the time.This has not gone down well with the students who feel that their freedom is being unnecessarily curtailed...

After looking present situation when rape very common it is not wrong. Safety is first than freedom. In my city all girls collage have dress code.

I feel that rape is largely an issue that has to do with the attitude and mentality of men and not how a woman dresses. But having a dress code in colleges is good for discipline and also learn a few things about how the society functions...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It was one of the most liberal colleges with youngsters going round in the most mod dresses,hair cuts and mini skirts.But now they are imposing a dress code and also a name tag which the students are supposed to carry round their neck all the time.This has not gone down well with the students who feel that their freedom is being unnecessarily curtailed...

After looking present situation when rape very common it is not wrong. Safety is first than freedom. In my city all girls collage have dress code.

I feel that rape is largely an issue that has to do with the attitude and mentality of men and not how a woman dresses. But having a dress code in colleges is good for discipline and also learn a few things about how the society functions...

The dress code is for ensuring uniformity and decorum. I don't think that this has anything to do with rape.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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