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Its good to know that its raining in Kerala. Don't know when its going to be in Delhi as we people are really struggling from the hot waves these days. Little bit of showers has decreased the temperature but its now increased. :evil:

Agree sir its too hot in Jaipur as well sometime little showers increases humidity... :evil:
Our prayers are answered. At last we had a good rainfall. But low lying areas were flooded.

TThats good to hear ! It must be a relief after all that sizzling heat your state experienced the past month or so...Hopefully the temperature would come down considerably now !

A drastic reduction in temperature. Cool breezes are flowing. Right now rain stopped, But coolness in the atmosphere is there.

At least in the beginning the cities look clean when all the dirt collected over the year on trees,fences and roof tops gets washed away..

We have regular heavy rains now here for the last 4-5 days which start late in the afternoons and last until nightfall. Two days before it was the heaviest causing flash floods in various places and people getting washed away! Most touching incident was when a young woman with a baby of 1.3 years got washed away, the baby is yet to be found! :(

Thts really sad and unfortunate, wish our cities were better equipped to deal with such situations....Even in Bangalore a man was sucked into a pot hole and to think such things happen even today is really pathetic !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Incessant rain lashes different parts of Tamilnadu ,and brings back those golden smiles in the face of farmers.

If the rainfall is normal, its good. But in AP, every monsoon brings misery by flooding the agricultural land .

It is in hand of farmers to stop flooding agriculture land. Stop look to government.
Our prayers are answered. At last we had a good rainfall. But low lying areas were flooded.

TThats good to hear ! It must be a relief after all that sizzling heat your state experienced the past month or so...Hopefully the temperature would come down considerably now !

A drastic reduction in temperature. Cool breezes are flowing. Right now rain stopped, But coolness in the atmosphere is there.

At least in the beginning the cities look clean when all the dirt collected over the year on trees,fences and roof tops gets washed away..

We have regular heavy rains now here for the last 4-5 days which start late in the afternoons and last until nightfall. Two days before it was the heaviest causing flash floods in various places and people getting washed away! Most touching incident was when a young woman with a baby of 1.3 years got washed away, the baby is yet to be found! :(

Thts really sad and unfortunate, wish our cities were better equipped to deal with such situations....Even in Bangalore a man was sucked into a pot hole and to think such things happen even today is really pathetic !

Our urban planning is an example of lack of foresight and apathy. 2 days ago a couple of young boys fell in the uncovered sewerage holes. Due to overflowing of water on the roads, the boys thought it was a plain road.
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