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Here is a best guide to quit smoking...................
The cigarette pack that costed 1/ is now 40/ but i don't see people giving up for cost purpose. most who are quitting for health reasons.

Having a glass of imported alcoholic drinks, cigarettes and cigars makes them feel aristocratic. Thus they hanker after such harmful products.
The cigarette pack that costed 1/ is now 40/ but i don't see people giving up for cost purpose. most who are quitting for health reasons.

Having a glass of imported alcoholic drinks, cigarettes and cigars makes them feel aristocratic. Thus they hanker after such harmful products.

Smoking is not only because of psychological addiction it's also because of physical addiction too.
The cigarette pack that costed 1/ is now 40/ but i don't see people giving up for cost purpose. most who are quitting for health reasons.

It all amounts to one thing Health indirectly.
Increase in cost leads to less consumption.
Less consumption leads to lengthening longevity.
The cigarette pack that costed 1/ is now 40/ but i don't see people giving up for cost purpose. most who are quitting for health reasons.

It all amounts to one thing Health indirectly.
Increase in cost leads to less consumption.
Less consumption leads to lengthening longevity.

Superb rambabuji, Simple but powerful statement. Increase in price indirectly increases the longevity.
We can even think in this manner also, that is for the sake of having smoking a person can become cruel and start making crimes for getting money to purchase cigarettes and have smoking. therefore, the increase of cigarette rates even leads to increase of crime

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We can even think in this manner also, that is for the sake of having smoking a person can become cruel and start making crimes for getting money to purchase cigarettes and have smoking. therefore, the increase of cigarette rates even leads to increase of crime

Why not? One leads to another. If you see keenly some ghastly murders were committed just for few bucks.
My honest feeling on this issue is that apart from those who smoke themselves to death, there is another section of people who inhale noxious carbon mono-oxide emitted by vehicles and become the unknowing victims of some pulmonary diseases. So the entire issue involves around environmental degradation and its deadly consequences. We have to take a holistic view of the problem.
Rambabuji, that means if the cigarette rate increases then crime rate also increases.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Cigarette is increasing day by day.But those who are addicted they will choose some other optional thing.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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