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Now a days women are also becoming worst. There is no need to goto pub at mid nights.

This incident is about a resort yaar, where they stayed...not a public place.

Of course, there will be no issue if women accept what the Hindu Talibans or Khap Panchayats want. The trouble begins when women assert themselves by wearing Jeans, drinking whiskey and carrying mobile phones etc.

If women stay home and accept orthodox views, let them. But women have certainly a right to live as they like on equal footing with men. It may be bad to go to Pub at mid night but if that is good for men, why bad only for women.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now a days women are also becoming worst. There is no need to goto pub at mid nights.

This incident is about a resort yaar, where they stayed...not a public place.

Of course, there will be no issue if women accept what the Hindu Talibans or Khap Panchayats want. The trouble begins when women assert themselves by wearing Jeans, drinking whiskey and carrying mobile phones etc.

If women stay home and accept orthodox views, let them. But women have certainly a right to live as they like on equal footing with men. It may be bad to go to Pub at mid night but if that is good for men, why bad only for women.

In this incident they were not in a pub,it was a resort owned by one of the girls parents and the parents of most of those youngsters were aware that they were celebrating a birthday party there, so nobody had any business to go in without permission and thrash people ...thankfully the whole city is united in condemning this attack except a small number of supporters of right wing hindus who went on a demonstration yesterday.however,half way through apparently some ladies organisation s and hijdhas stopped them and chased them lol :P so that was the end of the protest.In fact all colleges were closed day before yesterday to show support to the youngsters :huh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Now a days women are also becoming worst. There is no need to goto pub at mid nights.

This incident is about a resort yaar, where they stayed...not a public place.

Of course, there will be no issue if women accept what the Hindu Talibans or Khap Panchayats want. The trouble begins when women assert themselves by wearing Jeans, drinking whiskey and carrying mobile phones etc.

If women stay home and accept orthodox views, let them. But women have certainly a right to live as they like on equal footing with men. It may be bad to go to Pub at mid night but if that is good for men, why bad only for women.

In this incident they were not in a pub,it was a resort owned by one of the girls parents and the parents of most of those youngsters were aware that they were celebrating a birthday party there, so nobody had any business to go in without permission and thrash people ...thankfully the whole city is united in condemning this attack except a small number of supporters of right wing hindus who went on a demonstration yesterday.however,half way through apparently some ladies organisation s and hijdhas stopped them and chased them lol :P so that was the end of the protest.In fact all colleges were closed day before yesterday to show support to the youngsters :huh:

Let it be a good lesson for such people.
Let them think twice before getting into anyone's personal freedom and rights.
:angry: :angry: :angry:

Meera sandhu
Many people in India think that it is their personal business to monitor people around them and this is considered normal by many, and when such behavior goes to extremities this is what happens.And the best part is the fellows who attacked were supposedly totally drunk and they were objecting to someone who was in a resort and enjoying a birthday party ...what a contradiction !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Let us again revert to the talibanization at mangalore. The victim girls are being again victimized in their college.

The Talibani attitude is not limited just to some groups. This is deep rooted in karnataka. This is the price for installing a BJP government.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

i have seen this video yesterday.

am really surprised!!!!

Meera sandhu
Let us again revert to the talibanization at mangalore. The victim girls are being again victimized in their college.

The Talibani attitude is not limited just to some groups. This is deep rooted in karnataka. This is the price for installing a BJP government.

I think you are right ! Most people wanted change from corruption and Congress rule and voted for BJP, now we get this.It is like falling straight into the fire from frying pan, dont know which is worse ! But do we have a choice other than vote Deve Gowda and family which is unthinkable ! :angry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Let us again revert to the talibanization at mangalore. The victim girls are being again victimized in their college.

The Talibani attitude is not limited just to some groups. This is deep rooted in karnataka. This is the price for installing a BJP government.

I think you are right ! Most people wanted change from corruption and Congress rule and voted for BJP, now we get this.It is like falling straight into the fire from frying pan, dont know which is worse ! But do we have a choice other than vote Deve Gowda and family which is unthinkable ! :angry:

I am not aware of Karnataka politics. So, I can make no comments. My comments are relevant only in context of the recent misbehavior in the resort.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Let us again revert to the talibanization at mangalore. The victim girls are being again victimized in their college.

The Talibani attitude is not limited just to some groups. This is deep rooted in karnataka. This is the price for installing a BJP government.

I think you are right ! Most people wanted change from corruption and Congress rule and voted for BJP, now we get this.It is like falling straight into the fire from frying pan, dont know which is worse ! But do we have a choice other than vote Deve Gowda and family which is unthinkable ! :angry:

I am not aware of Karnataka politics. So, I can make no comments. My comments are relevant only in context of the recent misbehavior in the resort.

Yes I understand that :) , but even when you take at the national level things are just the same, we have very few options !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Women are very unsecured in our country.No one cares for the safety of women.If our savior does this type of crime whose door should women knock for their safety.It is very shameful for our country.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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