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India won't leave this issue and will force Pakistan Government to Release Sarabjit as well.

I think they will eventually change it back to releasing him. They don't have much left in their country now. People, Economy and freedom is dying there. Lets hope they do something good so that other nations start believing that they can still exist as a good country..

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Now it is abundantly obvious that media is the villain. The Government of India especially Krishna are acting in most unprofessional way. In fact, Krishna style of functioning is very astonishing. He has shown similar incompetence on various occasions.

Pakistan media as well as Indian media could not differentiate between Sarabit Jit and surjit. Thus false news continued to be broadcast. The foreign minister Krishna thanked Pakistan President on basis of media report.

Personally, I never depend on telephonic conversation unless this is confirmed in writing. Krishna should have waited for copy of written order of clemency or grant of mercy to Sarbajit and reacted only thereafter. It is obvious that Pakistan Government at no stage confirmed clemency for Sarabjit.

In this connection, link giving details of this funny but cruel episode is given below:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

India won't leave this issue and will force Pakistan Government to Release Sarabjit as well.

I think they will eventually change it back to releasing him. They don't have much left in their country now. People, Economy and freedom is dying there. Lets hope they do something good so that other nations start believing that they can still exist as a good country..

I thought till evening some kind of good news will come,but nothing happened.

Want to make each day Accountable

This should not be happened in that level and This is very unfortunate.
Pakistan official are blaming this misconfusion, on Media.

Want to make each day Accountable

Pakistan official are blaming this misconfusion, on Media.

Please see my post above. Indian and Pakistan media are both to blame for their reporting without confirming facts. similarly, Indian leaders and foreign ministry are to blame for acting on media report and without verifying authenticity of reports.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Pakistan official are blaming this misconfusion, on Media.

Please see my post above. Indian and Pakistan media are both to blame for their reporting without confirming facts. similarly, Indian leaders and foreign ministry are to blame for acting on media report and without verifying authenticity of reports.

Yes,Indian Officials fault is also there. They didn't clarify from Pakistan officials.

Want to make each day Accountable

Yes, communication gap in announcing the name came and India authorities should have first know how many years does Sarabjit singh still has to be released inorder to avoid any further confusion.
Pakistan official are blaming this misconfusion, on Media.

Please see my post above. Indian and Pakistan media are both to blame for their reporting without confirming facts. similarly, Indian leaders and foreign ministry are to blame for acting on media report and without verifying authenticity of reports.

Yes,Indian Officials fault is also there. They didn't clarify from Pakistan officials.

Indian embassy could collect authentic information and send this to Government of India. Apparently, neither Indian Foreign affairs Ministry nor Indian Embassy in Pakistan are working professionally. Media is more interested in giving speedy news even if wrong. It makes no sense to act on media report.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes this was Surjeet singh who is about to be released after completion of his life imprisonment. Pakistan Government is not serious about Indian sentiments in case of Sarabjeet Singh.

There was talk by Indian minister with his Pakistani counterpart. It is astonishing that the simple fact of Surjeet Singh's release was misunderstood as Sarabjit Singh's. Though media has not focused on Surjeet singh, his release is also welcome.

Surjeet Singh was to be released as he had already completed his term therefore media did not give it much importance, besides this was not as publicity oriented issue for media.

Even then, Surjeet Singh's release is welcome. There are many languishing in Indian and Pakistani jails despite completion of jail term.What is astonishing is how Surjeet singh and Sarabjit singh were confused for each other. Is this because of over zeal?

I would agree with that , it was either a mistake or over zeal by the media. However, I too feel happy that one more Indian has been released and would be coming home after 30 years.I sincerely hope that Pakistan has the magnanimity to pardon Sarabjit too ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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