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Yes this was Surjeet singh who is about to be released after completion of his life imprisonment. Pakistan Government is not serious about Indian sentiments in case of Sarabjeet Singh.

There was talk by Indian minister with his Pakistani counterpart. It is astonishing that the simple fact of Surjeet Singh's release was misunderstood as Sarabjit Singh's. Though media has not focused on Surjeet singh, his release is also welcome.

Surjeet Singh was to be released as he had already completed his term therefore media did not give it much importance, besides this was not as publicity oriented issue for media.

Even then, Surjeet Singh's release is welcome. There are many languishing in Indian and Pakistani jails despite completion of jail term.What is astonishing is how Surjeet singh and Sarabjit singh were confused for each other. Is this because of over zeal?

I would agree with that , it was either a mistake or over zeal by the media. However, I too feel happy that one more Indian has been released and would be coming home after 30 years.I sincerely hope that Pakistan has the magnanimity to pardon Sarabjit too ..

In fact, he was. But Zardari was pressurized to withdraw his orders and change his statement. This was done under an exchange program. Even the Pak-lawyer representing Sarabjit has confirmed this.

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I was not shocked to hear this news because i know Pakistanis officials can do anything. This happened many time they say something and change from what they said next day. Nothing new in it. But its sad for Sarbjeet's family who enjoyed the news and next they were in sorrow. :blink:
I was not shocked to hear this news because i know Pakistanis officials can do anything. This happened many time they say something and change from what they said next day. Nothing new in it. But its sad for Sarbjeet's family who enjoyed the news and next they were in sorrow. :blink:

Actually they wanted to distract from on going Mumbai attack accused case. They all agree that this was ISI and Laskare-Toeba who pressurized Pakistan to change the decision.

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I was not shocked to hear this news because i know Pakistanis officials can do anything. This happened many time they say something and change from what they said next day. Nothing new in it. But its sad for Sarbjeet's family who enjoyed the news and next they were in sorrow. :blink:

Actually they wanted to distract from on going Mumbai attack accused case. They all agree that this was ISI and Laskare-Toeba who pressurized Pakistan to change the decision.

May be Abu Jindal will reveal all those Pakistanis top official names which were involved in Mubai attack.I also think they all were scared of it and tried to distract all from that to this one. :blink:
I was not shocked to hear this news because i know Pakistanis officials can do anything. This happened many time they say something and change from what they said next day. Nothing new in it. But its sad for Sarbjeet's family who enjoyed the news and next they were in sorrow. :blink:

Actually they wanted to distract from on going Mumbai attack accused case. They all agree that this was ISI and Laskare-Toeba who pressurized Pakistan to change the decision.

May be Abu Jindal will reveal all those Pakistanis top official names which were involved in Mubai attack.I also think they all were scared of it and tried to distract all from that to this one. :blink:

I am not much hopeful, they are not competent enough to do their job. They only do it for keeping their job intact, never go to the root of the mater.

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Surjeet Singh is now in India. He admits that he went to Pakistan for spying.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Surjeet Singh is now in India. He admits that he went to Pakistan for spying.

I heard it somewhere before also on some channel that he was a spy of India. :blink:
Surjit singh must not admit it publicly because this is against the standard norms. They never admit it officially although every one knows about it.

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Surjit singh must not admit it publicly because this is against the standard norms. They never admit it officially although every one knows about it.

Who knows that public acceptance of his being Indian spy may be condition for his release. He is also confident of getting Sarabjit Singh released. This could also be for similar condition.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Surjit singh must not admit it publicly because this is against the standard norms. They never admit it officially although every one knows about it.

Who knows that public acceptance of his being Indian spy may be condition for his release. He is also confident of getting Sarabjit Singh released. This could also be for similar condition.

This shows that Pakistan is better equipped as far as politics is concerned. They know how to tackle counter offence. This is related to ongoing shout on espionage.

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