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So, something is there in this world with the name, LUCK. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
Ha ha.. Surely it is their. We listen that word many times after all.

Ha ha.. Surely it is their. We listen that word many times after all.

That may be related to horoscope too, if we believe in it. If it's our good time, we get good opportunities and may get many things unexpectedly. Otherwise, we need more hard work.

Meera sandhu
Personally I don't believe in those horoscope... Never read my horoscope so far.

Personally I don't believe in those horoscope... Never read my horoscope so far.

But at the time of your marriage, at least your parents will read it...ha ha

Meera sandhu
HA ha.. Yes, they will read it at that time as they believe in such things.

Yes I believe in luck with hardwork both are related nearly. If we had hardwork automatically luck will come.

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but there are some situations, though we do alot of hard work then also we fail at that time luck does not prefer.So luck and hardwork are 2 sides of the coin.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

but there are some situations, though we do alot of hard work then also we fail at that time luck does not prefer.So luck and hardwork are 2 sides of the coin.

Yes, very often, hard work may not lead to fruitful outcome

Meera sandhu
Up to some extent only, as people having faith in luck only and sleeping thinking that the luck would do the trick, are always found wanting. They never succeed.

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