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I don't appreciate much about Narendra modi, but few improvement in our town comes, when he visit Dahod, so we do like him.
He has a huge attraction towards our town, as he has lived for few years in Dahod.

Narendra Modi is no doubt a popular and efficient chief Minister. However we cannot appreciate his role in Gujarat riots. These riots have become history and Modi has won many elections thereafter. While not appreciating Modi's role in riots, it is no use harping on the theme of riots at this stage.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The town and villages got more help in development. Various schemes for villagers are there, and the villagers are talking advantage of it.

Want to make each day Accountable

Let people choose the NDA first then think about Prime Minister.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Let people choose the NDA first then think about Prime Minister.

Very correct comment. People elect M.P. on party ticket. Only winning party and alliance leader can be P.M.

Modi can be P.M. only if BJP gets clear majority of its own. Narendra Modi may be supported only by BJP and shiva Sena. Even this is not sure. Other NDA partners will oppose Modi.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Let people choose the NDA first then think about Prime Minister.

Very correct comment. People elect M.P. on party ticket. Only winning party and alliance leader can be P.M.

Modi can be P.M. only if BJP gets clear majority of its own. Narendra Modi may be supported only by BJP and shiva Sena. Even this is not sure. Other NDA partners will oppose Modi.

Already Nitish kumar opposed.
Narendra modi has all chances to be P.M, but i don't think he will become P.M. He is better as C.M.

Want to make each day Accountable

Narendra modi has all chances to be P.M, but i don't think he will become P.M. He is better as C.M.

How he can become if BJP does not get its own majority. The NDA partners will never accept Narendra Modi. BJP will never get its own single party majority. please see ground reality. Modi has zero chance to be P.M.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Narendra modi has all chances to be P.M, but i don't think he will become P.M. He is better as C.M.

How he can become if BJP does not get its own majority. The NDA partners will never accept Narendra Modi. BJP will never get its own single party majority. please see ground reality. Modi has zero chance to be P.M.

Frankly Speaking, i don't understand those political terms and also have no Interest.
But what i think that as a C.M there are very less people who oppose good things and that is why Gujarat is Progressing.
If he will become P.M there will be a lot people who are going to oppose and then he won't be ale to do that kind of work, which he is doing for Gujarat.

Want to make each day Accountable

Narendra modi has all chances to be P.M, but i don't think he will become P.M. He is better as C.M.

How he can become if BJP does not get its own majority. The NDA partners will never accept Narendra Modi. BJP will never get its own single party majority. please see ground reality. Modi has zero chance to be P.M.

Frankly Speaking, i don't understand those political terms and also have no Interest.
But what i think that as a C.M there are very less people who oppose good things and that is why Gujarat is Progressing.
If he will become P.M there will be a lot people who are going to oppose and then he won't be ale to do that kind of work, which he is doing for Gujarat.

Plain thing is that India is not Gujarat. Modi is acceptable only to BJP and shiva Sena. These two parties cannot get own majority at center. All others will oppose Modi. So, he can never be P.M. This is pure arithmetic. It is not necessary to understand politics. Mere knowledge of arithmetical facts about strength of political groups in Lok Sabha will tell you clear position.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Narendra modi has all chances to be P.M, but i don't think he will become P.M. He is better as C.M.

How he can become if BJP does not get its own majority. The NDA partners will never accept Narendra Modi. BJP will never get its own single party majority. please see ground reality. Modi has zero chance to be P.M.

Frankly Speaking, i don't understand those political terms and also have no Interest.
But what i think that as a C.M there are very less people who oppose good things and that is why Gujarat is Progressing.
If he will become P.M there will be a lot people who are going to oppose and then he won't be ale to do that kind of work, which he is doing for Gujarat.

Plain thing is that India is not Gujarat. Modi is acceptable only to BJP and shiva Sena. These two parties cannot get own majority at center. All others will oppose Modi. So, he can never be P.M. This is pure arithmetic. It is not necessary to understand politics. Mere knowledge of arithmetical facts about strength of political groups in Lok Sabha will tell you clear position.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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