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Kalyani Nandurkar wrote:
MG Singh wrote:

We should not go totally by surveys. all the surveys were proved wrong in the Delhi election, but I agree there is a fringe in India that has a warped thinking. What can be done about them ?

We are not merely going by surveys alone. And the fringe you speak about is quite large in numbers which is what makes it more worrisome. I have had the opportunity to work constantly for more 10 years with the young people between the ages of 22 to 30 years, consisting of graduates of various degrees including engineering and architecture amongst others. The way these people think is way too worrisome and disturbing. Of course not all think like that, but proportionate to the population in India, their numbers are too too little.


Exactly my thoughts since I too am constantly interacting with teenagers and find most of these peoples thought stuck in the 19th century where women and their status is concerned. we need a massive attitude change that becomes the responsibility of both parents and teachers...And last but not least reformed laws that give emancipation and equal rights to women will definitely help in changing this mind set  at least to some extent !


Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar

These are all psychological issues needed to be treated with care, and role of parents and class teachers are immense, as well as the type of friends also important.

Change with the times is inevitable. This truth must be realized both by the parents and the teachers and create a congenial atmosphere for the youth. If they are restricted youth rebels. Clashes are bound to happen.

Today, on news snippets, a young one dies after friendly fight in Hyderabad, and it is perceived that these friendly fights are regular feature in their locality.

The case has been taken up by the police and charged with Betting. Both the members hail from rich families. From the video footage police remanded 7 suspects and the investigation is in progress. You are right, betting cases are regular features in this area.

That was again a sad state of affairs, youths are indulging such saddest state of affairs even indulging in such heinous acts, puts in shame indeed.

I attribute this type of bettings and street fights to the lack of stringent action of the police. The police knew that such cases are frequent happenings in the area.

Police cannot be everywhere, these people have regular practice of mock fighting on weekends and sometimes this became serious like this issue.

Yes. Many suspects were rounded up and the punishments are going to be heavy.

Good thoughts and habits are to be injected right from the childhood.

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