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11 years ago
We hear people and especially our netas lecturing and giving speeches about Nationalism, patriotism blah blah on national days while taking part in the flag hoisting ceremony !!!! and go on to loot the country without feeling any guilt..for me it is all about India, as the nation and its history with pride attached with it.
On the other hand we have people who hate anything west and whether it is right or wrong, staunchly defend the country ! What is your idea of being a patriot or a Nationalist ?
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Of course we have a heritage, history, culture and civilization which we can be proud of although precious little is being done to preserve our heritage structures.The world heritage organisation had to come to the rescue in many cases, thats what is so very annoying about the present day politics and people most of who live in their own selfish greed ridden world,..
Structures recognized by the world Heritage organizations provide hefty funds for preservation and maintenance of the structures. But, are these funds going really for preservation of the priceless structures ? NO. They are directly landing in the pockets of the politicians making ASI helpless.
Very true ! I know about Hampi in Karnataka which is a world heritage ared as worlsite and apparently the organisation has released funds for constructing a proper road to the place from the nearest town Bellary but it is still not been utilised and the tourists and the archealogists who come in groups have to suffer the bad roads..
Along with Hampi, there are many historical sites which were declaredas world heritage sites. And the plight of all of them are in a miserable condions. I had been to Ajanta and seeing them filled with obscene remarks by visitors, my head was bent with shame.It's a nation that doesn't know it's worth. I'm ashamed of this gross indifference of both the rulers and Ruled.
11 years ago
For me personally, nationalism means being honest and sincere., using public property with care, treating people including the maids and other similar people with respect and dignity, and equal opportunities for education and livelihood to all! But now for most, it seems to be restricted only to a few occasions throughout the year and listening to patriotic songs!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, usha manohar
11 years ago
For me doing what you can do for betterment of country and society. Today Adarsh Shastri grand son of Lal Bahadur Shastri joined AAP leaving his job of Rs 10 million/annul as marketing head of Apple of western India. His father a member of congress Mr. Anil Shastri blessed him for his willingness to serve the nation. He could have enjoyed his job but for him country was first and that's what I think Nationalism is all about.
Thank you said by: usha manohar, Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
11 years ago
I am sure most of the clean politicians who were feeling stifled within their own party set up would want to come away to AAP..one can hope to see a mass exodus in the near future.Today I read about Kamal Farooqui a Samjawadi MP also joining AAP...
Politics is an ideal platform for anyone who is committed and patriotic to help build the country,take care of the infra structure, security etc..
Politics is an ideal platform for anyone who is committed and patriotic to help build the country,take care of the infra structure, security etc..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
I am sure most of the clean politicians who were feeling stifled within their own party set up would want to come away to AAP..one can hope to see a mass exodus in the near future.Today I read about Kamal Farooqui a Samjawadi MP also joining AAP...
Politics is an ideal platform for anyone who is committed and patriotic to help build the country,take care of the infra structure, security etc..
Whenever a new party is formed and is seen making quite a few waves, there are deserters from other parties who join that party, so it will happen with AAP as well, but so far as they do not bring their old philosophies and morals or rather lack of them, to the new party, it is alright!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
11 years ago
To me Nationalism is to: pay respect to your country... contribute in every possible aspect for its development and growth... and be honest to the nation!!!
Thank you said by: usha manohar
11 years ago
To me Nationalism is to: pay respect to your country... contribute in every possible aspect for its development and growth... and be honest to the nation!!!
At the same time,nationalism should respect and tolerate others' views in respect to religion .the strong feeling, " my view is the only view" should be erased from the mind in order to be called as a Nationalist.
11 years ago
To me Nationalism is to: pay respect to your country... contribute in every possible aspect for its development and growth... and be honest to the nation!!!
At the same time,nationalism should respect and tolerate others' views in respect to religion .the strong feeling, " my view is the only view" should be erased from the mind in order to be called as a Nationalist.
I agree - and when I said "respect to country" - I mean respect to everything associated with the country, including others views, religions and everything. I cannot say how good a nationalist one can be, but I think being connected with the nation from heart is the most important trigger to being a Nationalist.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, Kalyani Nandurkar
11 years ago
To me Nationalism is to: pay respect to your country... contribute in every possible aspect for its development and growth... and be honest to the nation!!!
At the same time,nationalism should respect and tolerate others' views in respect to religion .the strong feeling, " my view is the only view" should be erased from the mind in order to be called as a Nationalist.
"My view is the only view" - That has nothing to do with any ISM. That is egoism that divides everything in between "Me and rest of the world" Unless we learn to respect others' point of view, Nationalism is hard to achieve. ME has no place in a Nationalist.
11 years ago
To me Nationalism is to: pay respect to your country... contribute in every possible aspect for its development and growth... and be honest to the nation!!!
At the same time,nationalism should respect and tolerate others' views in respect to religion .the strong feeling, " my view is the only view" should be erased from the mind in order to be called as a Nationalist.
I agree - and when I said "respect to country" - I mean respect to everything associated with the country, including others views, religions and everything. I cannot say how good a nationalist one can be, but I think being connected with the nation from heart is the most important trigger to being a Nationalist.
I agree , it is basically being socially aware rather than be only politically aware.Taking care of your surroundings and teaching your children to become good responsible citizens and generally be a good citizen ! There is no need to do anything more , if each one of us does his or her bit that is good enough...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Thank you said by: suni51
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