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Now there is no doubt on government. Kejriwal will take oath on 28th.

Kejriwal decides to refuse security and official residence. This shows his simple style. But he is not alone in such category. The Chief ministers of Goa, Pudducheri and Tripura lead a very simple life. This may be because these states are small and relatively peaceful. But Delhi is capital of India and it may not be practical to work from his private residence that too outside delhi union territory- namely Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh.

Simplicity doesn't mean throwing away security. He may be Aam Aadmi. But as the chief of the government, his life is more valuable, though not for homself, for the people who pinned hopes on him and gave him power.
Now there is no doubt on government. Kejriwal will take oath on 28th.

Kejriwal decides to refuse security and official residence. This shows his simple style. But he is not alone in such category. The Chief ministers of Goa, Pudducheri and Tripura lead a very simple life. This may be because these states are small and relatively peaceful. But Delhi is capital of India and it may not be practical to work from his private residence that too outside delhi union territory- namely Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh.

Simplicity doesn't mean throwing away security. He may be Aam Aadmi. But as the chief of the government, his life is more valuable, though not for homself, for the people who pinned hopes on him and gave him power.

If he will be CM, then trust me no state minister or official will use red/blue lights for their cars. And no security for anyone as the AAM does not need any security. that will save lot of money to use for poor people.

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Now there is no doubt on government. Kejriwal will take oath on 28th.

Kejriwal decides to refuse security and official residence. This shows his simple style. But he is not alone in such category. The Chief ministers of Goa, Pudducheri and Tripura lead a very simple life. This may be because these states are small and relatively peaceful. But Delhi is capital of India and it may not be practical to work from his private residence that too outside delhi union territory- namely Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh.

Simplicity doesn't mean throwing away security. He may be Aam Aadmi. But as the chief of the government, his life is more valuable, though not for homself, for the people who pinned hopes on him and gave him power.

If he will be CM, then trust me no state minister or official will use red/blue lights for their cars. And no security for anyone as the AAM does not need any security. that will save lot of money to use for poor people.

Still I feel, he should understand the love heaped on him by the people. At least I shudder to think Kejriwal being exposed to the present day perils of goondaism and terrorism for which Delhi is prone.
Now there is no doubt on government. Kejriwal will take oath on 28th.

Kejriwal decides to refuse security and official residence. This shows his simple style. But he is not alone in such category. The Chief ministers of Goa, Pudducheri and Tripura lead a very simple life. This may be because these states are small and relatively peaceful. But Delhi is capital of India and it may not be practical to work from his private residence that too outside delhi union territory- namely Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh.

Simplicity doesn't mean throwing away security. He may be Aam Aadmi. But as the chief of the government, his life is more valuable, though not for homself, for the people who pinned hopes on him and gave him power.

Kejriwal is in fact making show of simplicfity Mahatma Gandhi style. Once Sarojani Naidu remarked that nation has to spend a lot for simplicity of Gandhi. As C.M. Kejriwal will need to meet many visitors and also there is camp office in CM residence. all this needs bigger accommodation. He says that he will like small flat. But that will mean more problem for security staff. In this connection, I may cite example of Communist leader Indrajit Gupta, who as Home minister of India refused big accommodation and stayed in flat. Then police had to make extra security and also get the adjoining flats vacated. This type of "simplicity' is actually not real but only to impress people.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now there is no doubt on government. Kejriwal will take oath on 28th.

Kejriwal decides to refuse security and official residence. This shows his simple style. But he is not alone in such category. The Chief ministers of Goa, Pudducheri and Tripura lead a very simple life. This may be because these states are small and relatively peaceful. But Delhi is capital of India and it may not be practical to work from his private residence that too outside delhi union territory- namely Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh.

Simplicity doesn't mean throwing away security. He may be Aam Aadmi. But as the chief of the government, his life is more valuable, though not for homself, for the people who pinned hopes on him and gave him power.

Kejriwal is in fact making show of simplicfity Mahatma Gandhi style. Once Sarojani Naidu remarked that nation has to spend a lot for simplicity of Gandhi. As C.M. Kejriwal will need to meet many visitors and also there is camp office in CM residence. all this needs bigger accommodation. He says that he will like small flat. But that will mean more problem for security staff. In this connection, I may cite example of Communist leader Indrajit Gupta, who as Home minister of India refused big accommodation and stayed in flat. Then police had to make extra security and also get the adjoining flats vacated. This type of "simplicity' is actually not real but only to impress people.

Yes, I agree with you. A leader's simplicity, especially in the present conditions will prove a burden and more botheration for the government.
I read about how Gandhi's simplicity added bore burden to exchequer. He used to run towards Harijans colonies with the drop of a hat., throwing away all the security set up. The then government in order to provide security to Gandhiji, by arranging artificial Harijans colonies and professional actors used to act as Harijans.
This I read in Freedom at midnight by Dominique LaPiere
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
What kejriwala is doing is a commendable job...digntries can be met in his office, why bring them home ? You dont have to stick to the age old corrupt system of entertaining people at tax payers cost.....If you want to make a change you have to do it all the way and let us hope Kejriwal is succesful in be=ringing in this much needed change and not get pulled down by criticisms because most people only want to criticise him and his actions instead of lending support ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

What kejriwala is doing is a commendable job...digntries can be met in his office, why bring them home ? You dont have to stick to the age old corrupt system of entertaining people at tax payers cost.....If you want to make a change you have to do it all the way and let us hope Kejriwal is succesful in be=ringing in this much needed change and not get pulled down by criticisms because most people only want to criticise him and his actions instead of lending support ...

In a short period, Kejriwal won the hearts of the Nation. Even some senior hardcore bureaucrats are thinking of joining the wave. My point of contention is a man of such popularity should see about his welfare also to carry on his mission. There is no dearth of Black sheep in the guise of saints looking for an opportunity to do harm to him.
There are news of papers of previous governments is being torned out, and Kejriwal said it is the duty of chief secretary to preserve, he has began a sort of direct democracy just like cantons of Switzerland, but the question is whether this can be viable in bigger states or even in semi medium state such as Odisha or say HP. As Delhi NCR is a nice smaller place to implement direct democracy but why US and UK the pioneers of democracy are not implementing this? He should concentrate on cleaning of system, and red tapism just like Modi removed all delay darlings in dealing with official matters and this makes implementation process speedier and fast.

There are news of papers of previous governments is being torned out, and Kejriwal said it is the duty of chief secretary to preserve, he has began a sort of direct democracy just like cantons of Switzerland, but the question is whether this can be viable in bigger states or even in semi medium state such as Odisha or say HP. As Delhi NCR is a nice smaller place to implement direct democracy but why US and UK the pioneers of democracy are not implementing this? He should concentrate on cleaning of system, and red tapism just like Modi removed all delay darlings in dealing with official matters and this makes implementation process speedier and fast.

I agree. Direct democracy concept does not work. If Kejriwal goes every time for people's opinion. they will get frustrated. They want a government that decides and not that just seeks their opinion on every thing. To elucidate, I like a cook who will serve me proper food and not one who will just go on seeking my opinion on cooking and make me starve.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Kejariwal will soon set an example that will make others follow suit. In the beginning every new idea comes like a laughing matter but once they see the result, they feel hypnotized. Just wait and watch, everything will be in front of everyone to see and appreciate. The time will change the opinion of hardest of critics.

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