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11 years ago
Sting operation is very important in some cases. Many white collar criminal remain in veil. Their heinous crimes must come in front of the world.
String operation is mainly for criminal in white color. They want to catch them red handed because if you blame such people without any proof, they easily escape.
Yes exactly this is why sting operation is required but in most of the cases those who have done less crimes are exposed and those do more crimes are never exposed by these sting operation. :evil:
This exactly what is said white color people are much powerful. They needs such operation . Apart from other criminal which are not so powerful can easily caught.
But someone needs to bell the cat ! Once you get proof the courts will take care of the later developments.The problem with sting operation , from what i see is funding which is a practical necessity.they need money to buy the equipments and also pay their staff all of which costs money and this is where they get attached to a politician like in the case of Tehelka which was Kapil Sibals brainchild although he denies it now ...Once politicians become part of it it becomes one sided and partial !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
There is one problem with sting operation. Even honest person will be proved dishonest through such operation. There are many who are totally honest. They would not accept bribe as a matter of course. But if they are lured and encouraged, they may accept bribe. This is what the 'sting operators' do. There are very few people who would be so pious as not to fall in carefully laid plan of the 'string operators'. The string operators act like Menaka who enticed Vishwamitra. A sage like Vishwamitra also fell prey to string operator type Menaka.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
11 years ago
There is one problem with sting operation. Even honest person will be prov3ed dishonest through such operation. There ate many who are totally honest. They would not accept bribe as a matter of course. But if they are lured and encouraged, they may accept bribe. This is what the 'sting operators' do. There are very few people who would be so pious as not to fall in carefully laid plan of the 'string operators'. The string operators act like Menaka who enticed Vishwamitra. A sage like Vishwamitra also fell prey to string operator type Menaka.
Ahaha..yes, that's an irresitable lure. Very less people can stay away from such baits.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
11 years ago
There is one problem with sting operation. Even honest person will be prov3ed dishonest through such operation. There ate many who are totally honest. They would not accept bribe as a matter of course. But if they are lured and encouraged, they may accept bribe. This is what the 'sting operators' do. There are very few people who would be so pious as not to fall in carefully laid plan of the 'string operators'. The string operators act like Menaka who enticed Vishwamitra. A sage like Vishwamitra also fell prey to string operator type Menaka.
Very true, that fear is always there ...Most sting operators try every trick in the trade to make the person fall which is not fair...But again that is the only way they can get the person to show his or her true colors ..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
AAP is saying due to sting operation its seats are decreased and now they will get 50 seats at Delhi,
11 years ago
AAP is saying due to sting operation its seats are decreased and now they will get 50 seats at Delhi,
That depends on the authenticity of the sting operation. Political initiated sting operation will not have any effect. Its the people's verdict that finally counts.
11 years ago
AAP is saying due to sting operation its seats are decreased and now they will get 50 seats at Delhi,
That depends on the authenticity of the sting operation. Political initiated sting operation will not have any effect. Its the people's verdict that finally counts.
In the case of AAP I have a feeling that the sting operation waas entirely politically motivated and one of the top parties may be behind it, but we will never know...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
AAP is saying due to sting operation its seats are decreased and now they will get 50 seats at Delhi,
That depends on the authenticity of the sting operation. Political initiated sting operation will not have any effect. Its the people's verdict that finally counts.
In the case of AAP I have a feeling that the sting operation waas entirely politically motivated and one of the top parties may be behind it, but we will never know...
Certainly its a politically backed sting operation. Rarely you find an impartial sting operation sans political backing. And more over this is the election season.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
11 years ago
The way I would prefer to look at exercises of these kinds is that 'Sting Operations' or whatever goes by this name is a product of the current immoral behavior of our politicians. They - at least a majority of them- beat even chameleons in changing their colors!!! So a 'Sting Operation' is a response to this. Keep yourself ready for any future technological development which would shock you more about mendacity of our politicians!!
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