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11 years ago
I shall still in favor of natural way of acquiring vitamins into human body but due to high inflation may be in future people will try to take pills for supplement.
It has got nothing with inflation. The intake of Vitamin supplements is very much in vogue because they do not realise the harm they are doing to their bodies. There is a belief that things which are available freely and easily are ineffective.
11 years ago
Sanjeev, it is working fine. We can open and read. Just a click on the link is required
I wonder. Which link you are discussing about? :dry:
11 years ago
Sanjeev, it is working fine. We can open and read. Just a click on the link is required
I wonder. Which link you are discussing about? :dry:
He was referring the link given by the thread starter. Its about the factors related to keeping the skin glowing and healthy.
11 years ago
Sanjeev, it is working fine. We can open and read. Just a click on the link is required
A bit late for this comment, isn't it! Robert refrain from posting the very same things when others have already done so. I notice you have not commented on the topic in question! Please refrain from free advices on comments that are quite old!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
11 years ago
Natural vitamins are better than artificial ones. In order to have natural vitamins one has to ear dals, greens vegetables, fruits and meat. All these are affected by inflation and that is why inflation is playing bigger role in restricting natural vitamins to individuals.I shall still in favor of natural way of acquiring vitamins into human body but due to high inflation may be in future people will try to take pills for supplement.
It has got nothing with inflation. The intake of Vitamin supplements is very much in vogue because they do not realise the harm they are doing to their bodies. There is a belief that things which are available freely and easily are ineffective.
11 years ago
Natural vitamins are better than artificial ones. In order to have natural vitamins one has to ear dals, greens vegetables, fruits and meat. All these are affected by inflation and that is why inflation is playing bigger role in restricting natural vitamins to individuals.I shall still in favor of natural way of acquiring vitamins into human body but due to high inflation may be in future people will try to take pills for supplement.
It has got nothing with inflation. The intake of Vitamin supplements is very much in vogue because they do not realise the harm they are doing to their bodies. There is a belief that things which are available freely and easily are ineffective.
Did the vitamin supplements not affected by inflation.? Inflation is just an excuse. Papaya, bananas, guavas are much cheaper than vitamin supplements.
11 years ago
Natural vitamins are better than artificial ones. In order to have natural vitamins one has to ear dals, greens vegetables, fruits and meat. All these are affected by inflation and that is why inflation is playing bigger role in restricting natural vitamins to individuals.I shall still in favor of natural way of acquiring vitamins into human body but due to high inflation may be in future people will try to take pills for supplement.
It has got nothing with inflation. The intake of Vitamin supplements is very much in vogue because they do not realise the harm they are doing to their bodies. There is a belief that things which are available freely and easily are ineffective.
Did the vitamin supplements not affected by inflation.? Inflation is just an excuse. Papaya, bananas, guavas are much cheaper than vitamin supplements.
Eating healthy food and living tension free life keeps people healthy and beautiful. If you sleep well, you feel well. Mind works properly. These are the simplest tips. Moreover we should keep us skin clean. Use of good quality soap, body lotion or face cream becomes essential with good food.
11 years ago
Natural vitamins are better than artificial ones. In order to have natural vitamins one has to ear dals, greens vegetables, fruits and meat. All these are affected by inflation and that is why inflation is playing bigger role in restricting natural vitamins to individuals.I shall still in favor of natural way of acquiring vitamins into human body but due to high inflation may be in future people will try to take pills for supplement.
It has got nothing with inflation. The intake of Vitamin supplements is very much in vogue because they do not realise the harm they are doing to their bodies. There is a belief that things which are available freely and easily are ineffective.
Did the vitamin supplements not affected by inflation.? Inflation is just an excuse. Papaya, bananas, guavas are much cheaper than vitamin supplements.
Eating healthy food and living tension free life keeps people healthy and beautiful. If you sleep well, you feel well. Mind works properly. These are the simplest tips. Moreover we should keep us skin clean. Use of good quality soap, body lotion or face cream becomes essential with good food.
Naturopathy experts say even commercial soaps, body lotions and face creams are loaded with hazardous chemicals which lead to several skin related ailments. One should use natural body cleaners.
11 years ago
Natural vitamins are better than artificial ones. In order to have natural vitamins one has to ear dals, greens vegetables, fruits and meat. All these are affected by inflation and that is why inflation is playing bigger role in restricting natural vitamins to individuals.I shall still in favor of natural way of acquiring vitamins into human body but due to high inflation may be in future people will try to take pills for supplement.
It has got nothing with inflation. The intake of Vitamin supplements is very much in vogue because they do not realise the harm they are doing to their bodies. There is a belief that things which are available freely and easily are ineffective.
Did the vitamin supplements not affected by inflation.? Inflation is just an excuse. Papaya, bananas, guavas are much cheaper than vitamin supplements.
Eating healthy food and living tension free life keeps people healthy and beautiful. If you sleep well, you feel well. Mind works properly. These are the simplest tips. Moreover we should keep us skin clean. Use of good quality soap, body lotion or face cream becomes essential with good food.
Naturopathy experts say even commercial soaps, body lotions and face creams are loaded with hazardous chemicals which lead to several skin related ailments. One should use natural body cleaners.
Ok if such products don't suits you or you feel this is not good for skins, you can prepare face pack at home. Vegetables and spinach is good for making a pack. Face cream can also be prepared at home using Ayurveda knowledge. After all we get every thing from plants.
11 years ago
Natural vitamins are better than artificial ones. In order to have natural vitamins one has to ear dals, greens vegetables, fruits and meat. All these are affected by inflation and that is why inflation is playing bigger role in restricting natural vitamins to individuals.I shall still in favor of natural way of acquiring vitamins into human body but due to high inflation may be in future people will try to take pills for supplement.
It has got nothing with inflation. The intake of Vitamin supplements is very much in vogue because they do not realise the harm they are doing to their bodies. There is a belief that things which are available freely and easily are ineffective.
Did the vitamin supplements not affected by inflation.? Inflation is just an excuse. Papaya, bananas, guavas are much cheaper than vitamin supplements.
Eating healthy food and living tension free life keeps people healthy and beautiful. If you sleep well, you feel well. Mind works properly. These are the simplest tips. Moreover we should keep us skin clean. Use of good quality soap, body lotion or face cream becomes essential with good food.
Naturopathy experts say even commercial soaps, body lotions and face creams are loaded with hazardous chemicals which lead to several skin related ailments. One should use natural body cleaners.
Ok if such products don't suits you or you feel this is not good for skins, you can prepare face pack at home. Vegetables and spinach is good for making a pack. Face cream can also be prepared at home using Ayurveda knowledge. After all we get every thing from plants.
I fully agree with you. every beauty aid we see in the shelves of Malls can be prepared at home just with very little expense. My grand mother who lived for 84 years never knew about a cream or facial. And she never had a single wrinkle on her face.
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