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I am reminded of one of the article writing site which is no more there now. In 2008 it was a rage with Indians,Pakistanis and other Asians contributing nothing but trash, some of them were just 300 word article that made no sense at all but everyone got paid 1 dollar for articles with 300+ words and 2 dollars for 700 words+ . Good articles could be counted on finger tips although each day hundreds of articles were published.I was one of the editors and I was horrified at the state of affairs...But we all got paid handsomely because of the ad revenue I guess ! I used to warn the admin about the quality of the articles but he just wanted to make a fast buck and leave ,Finally the reputation of bad articles caught up and the site closed down without paying members or editors for more than 3 months ...
Here we have an excellent team of editors and also very good articles being written and published by members, all that we need to do is improve certain things to perform even better ..

Well, that is a good example of what happens when quality is compromised. Usha, you know earlier we had a somewhat similar situation, not totally, but in the very beginning quality was not a big issue and you can still see some really horrific examples of such articles. But now in the last two years or so, it has improved a lot, in fact I can safely say that the kind of articles that are now being published are maybe 50 times better than what used to be earlier. Also, it is an evolving process and I am sure with the likes of you and others who are so actively concerned about quality, keep pointing out such anomalies and that helps us all become more focused on those points. So I can assure you that it will only get better henceforth. Meanwhile, published articles too, if you find such glaring mistakes, feel free to email titles and links to all of us!

Yes Kalyani, quality always comes first ! I agree that some of the old articles are pretty bad ....But things are much much better now and I guess all of us members have a duty to see that the site remains qualitative as well...of course quantity is needed too for the site to bring in revenues....From my side I will definite do what I can Kalyani :)

I have no doubt about that, it is the awareness and focused interest of members like you that helps us better ourselves and keep us on our toes all the time! :) :)

Keeping you on your toes is a pretty hard job as one has to keep himself or herself on toes all the time!!! :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
I am reminded of one of the article writing site which is no more there now. In 2008 it was a rage with Indians,Pakistanis and other Asians contributing nothing but trash, some of them were just 300 word article that made no sense at all but everyone got paid 1 dollar for articles with 300+ words and 2 dollars for 700 words+ . Good articles could be counted on finger tips although each day hundreds of articles were published.I was one of the editors and I was horrified at the state of affairs...But we all got paid handsomely because of the ad revenue I guess ! I used to warn the admin about the quality of the articles but he just wanted to make a fast buck and leave ,Finally the reputation of bad articles caught up and the site closed down without paying members or editors for more than 3 months ...
Here we have an excellent team of editors and also very good articles being written and published by members, all that we need to do is improve certain things to perform even better ..

Well, that is a good example of what happens when quality is compromised. Usha, you know earlier we had a somewhat similar situation, not totally, but in the very beginning quality was not a big issue and you can still see some really horrific examples of such articles. But now in the last two years or so, it has improved a lot, in fact I can safely say that the kind of articles that are now being published are maybe 50 times better than what used to be earlier. Also, it is an evolving process and I am sure with the likes of you and others who are so actively concerned about quality, keep pointing out such anomalies and that helps us all become more focused on those points. So I can assure you that it will only get better henceforth. Meanwhile, published articles too, if you find such glaring mistakes, feel free to email titles and links to all of us!

Yes Kalyani, quality always comes first ! I agree that some of the old articles are pretty bad ....But things are much much better now and I guess all of us members have a duty to see that the site remains qualitative as well...of course quantity is needed too for the site to bring in revenues....From my side I will definite do what I can Kalyani :)

I have no doubt about that, it is the awareness and focused interest of members like you that helps us better ourselves and keep us on our toes all the time! :) :)

Keeping you on your toes is a pretty hard job as one has to keep himself or herself on toes all the time!!! :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Thank you, I am taking it as a compliment even though it sounds a bit like I am holding a whip all the time! :laugh: :laugh: :evil: :P

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

At this moment a simple Grammar test becomes essential. Administration should take a small grammar test of all the active members In the site.

The moderators and editors have already undegone a test. Making a test mandatory for all members does not appear feasible. Many members are well qualified and participate well. Those lacking basic talent or being busy elsewhere end as inactive members.


May be the members have over looked their mistakes or they may be hurry while submitting their articles.

Whatever may be the reason, an article with grammatical mistakes will show the site in a bad light.

That is why articles are edited at two satges. Editors need to carefully check the articles for grammar and spellings. The authors and editors both can make use of inbuild spell checker. Primarly an author is responsible for content and form of article. I am sure editors and site administrator do the best to rectify mistakes but in view of sheer volume and other activities, some mistakes can always creep in. However, title of the article and headings/ headings, opening and last paragraphs must be more carefully scrutinized.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I am still not able to understand how editors would pass those titles some of which are so very glaring...It is not as if our editors are poor in grammar, we know for a fact that the senior editors are very proficient ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I am still not able to understand how editors would pass those titles some of which are so very glaring...It is not as if our editors are poor in grammar, we know for a fact that the senior editors are very proficient ...

I have changed titles of the articles edited by me. I don't think it okay to make any change in articles edited or written by other editors. I suggest that you may add your comments below the published articles. There can be difference of opinion also on grammar. The author, editor and the Chief editor (Maverick) only have role. So their authority is final.

I appreciate your interest in improving the site. But we also need to recognize the limitations within which we function.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: usha manohar
I am still not able to understand how editors would pass those titles some of which are so very glaring...It is not as if our editors are poor in grammar, we know for a fact that the senior editors are very proficient ...

I agree with you Usha, some of them are really too poor with no proper meaning or grammatically wrong. You can see that if you care to go to first page of recently passed articles. What I feel that we all should find such titles and send them to admin for his action into the matter. I also feel that making change at this stage will only create technical problems.

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Thank you said by: usha manohar
Articles with poor or wrong titles need to be rejected. It develop a wrong impact on this si.te. If title filled with grammer mistake, we cannot imagine about body of article.
Articles with poor or wrong titles need to be rejected. It develop a wrong impact on this si.te. If title filled with grammer mistake, we cannot imagine about body of article.

True. Title itself is an indicator of contents. Title should lead the reader in to the article.
Thank you said by: Bol Bachchan
Articles with poor or wrong titles need to be rejected. It develop a wrong impact on this si.te. If title filled with grammer mistake, we cannot imagine about body of article.

It can always be corrected - The editor can make suggestions or ask the member to change the title ..Sometimes it may be a typing mistake or the member may not be aware of it

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Articles with poor or wrong titles need to be rejected. It develop a wrong impact on this si.te. If title filled with grammer mistake, we cannot imagine about body of article.

It can always be corrected - The editor can make suggestions or ask the member to change the title ..Sometimes it may be a typing mistake or the member may not be aware of it
I appreciate the concern that you are showing towards the betterment of the site, after all we all are going to benefit from the site if everything goes fine.

However I would like to make a note that the moderators/editors/admins are not super humans and are tend to do mistakes. I do mistakes too often and I always try to correct my mistakes. It is not always possible to get 100% results all the time. We all are trying to get most out of what is in our hands and I can assure that the process will evolve continuously but not otherwise. I would rather say the editors are doing commendable job in safekeeping the quality of the content that is being posted here. (do not compare the articles posted before 3 years).

I would also like to let you know that, from my experience on this site for over 5 years, that the content of the articles posted by most of the authors is on par with any international standards. Today most of the traffic, apart from India, is coming from the United States and I am glad that the bounce rate, which is the indication of user satisfaction, is very low. I am pointing out this statistic because it directly relates to the quality of the article. Unless a user finds the article useful, he will not read the next one.

I always welcome you to give any suggestions to make the site more accessible and enjoyable place on the web and appreciate your help in this regard.

My 4cs.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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