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There are many cheating ways. Just three days back, i got a phone call proposing insrtalation of some TV broadcast gadget on my home roof for which I would get Rs. 25,000/- P.M. and I would have to pay security of Rs.30,000/ first. I just said that instead of talking on phone, complete proposal be sent by speed post. Then there was no reply and matter ended. I am sure that after receiving so called security, the caller would just vanish.

That's an appropriate action from your side. In many cases, people are lured by the false offers and take the wrong step, which is what the cheater expects from us.
Ohh!!! Lol.. I wonder why people don't use such talented brain on the right path.

Talent??? He adopted the unfair means only because he does not have talent.
It is absolutely cheating. however, innovation could be appreciated as well. If it is in constuructive manner, good for human society.

Born to express, not to impress.
There are many cheating ways. Just three days back, i got a phone call proposing insrtalation of some TV broadcast gadget on my home roof for which I would get Rs. 25,000/- P.M. and I would have to pay security of Rs.30,000/ first. I just said that instead of talking on phone, complete proposal be sent by speed post. Then there was no reply and matter ended. I am sure that after receiving so called security, the caller would just vanish.

That's an appropriate action from your side. In many cases, people are lured by the false offers and take the wrong step, which is what the cheater expects from us.

I again got the call today. The phone no. is 09266096435. I caution others if they received call from this number.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: charmingkids17
Ohh!!! Lol.. I wonder why people don't use such talented brain on the right path.

Talent??? He adopted the unfair means only because he does not have talent.

May be he has no talent for what he was cheating.. But he surely come up with something unique and innovative. So it is like talent. But surely he should use it on right path. That's what I think.

Hats off to the youngsters for mastering in cheating.
When I was a student, I have never attempted to cheat any question. I believed in my own answers.
Students should have guts to face all types of situations. Thats what examination means.
@Devyani.. That's true.

I have read somewhere that CAMERAs in all part of schools will be compulasary. If any school will not have them its licence will be cancelled. So this thing can reduce such kind of cheating.

instead of using his brain in such a technique for cheating only he would have used it for studies then he might have become a good Doctor one day, but i don not what is happening to these youngsters they now a days want a short cut for every thing, they never think of their families before doing such kind of stupidities, i can just say God give such persons SADBUDDHI :)
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