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12 years ago
So nice to see India's Colour photo.......It seems South India and North India celebrated it more
It was celebrated allover India, what you see as darker parts are either in Pakistan or Bangladesh. Besides in the center the hills and jungles of Vindhya, Aravali and such parts have no or very little population. And not to forget the power crisis.
12 years ago
So nice to see India's Colour photo.......It seems South India and North India celebrated it more
It was celebrated allover India, what you see as darker parts are either in Pakistan or Bangladesh. Besides in the center the hills and jungles of Vindhya, Aravali and such parts have no or very little population. And not to forget the power crisis.
so, i need to refresh my geography knowledge again :laugh: :laugh:
Pictures are really amazing.
next pictures may be of December 24, midnight where we can see the whole world celebrating Christmas
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
So India was shining on Diwali night. :)
Nice pictures. :)
Nice pictures. :)
12 years ago
I saw a picture in the newspaper that was of the surrounding countries too and was too good. Even this one is lovely!
Live in the present :)
12 years ago
So nice to see India's Colour photo.......It seems South India and North India celebrated it more
It was celebrated allover India, what you see as darker parts are either in Pakistan or Bangladesh. Besides in the center the hills and jungles of Vindhya, Aravali and such parts have no or very little population. And not to forget the power crisis.
so, i need to refresh my geography knowledge again :laugh: :laugh:
Pictures are really amazing.
next pictures may be of December 24, midnight where we can see the whole world celebrating Christmas
If there would be December 24 at all! (according to you)
12 years ago
NASA took a picture On November 12, 2012, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
Have a look how our country looked like that night
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9450]}
I have seen this picture, but it is nice to see it glittering away ...here is another picture !
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9456]}
That's an amazing and breathtaking view of India
433358927.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
12 years ago
So nice to see India's Colour photo.......It seems South India and North India celebrated it more
It was celebrated allover India, what you see as darker parts are either in Pakistan or Bangladesh. Besides in the center the hills and jungles of Vindhya, Aravali and such parts have no or very little population. And not to forget the power crisis.
so, i need to refresh my geography knowledge again :laugh: :laugh:
Pictures are really amazing.
next pictures may be of December 24, midnight where we can see the whole world celebrating Christmas
If there would be December 24 at all! (according to you)
why me?
I don't believe in that Mayan story :laugh: :laugh:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
How about this one, perhaps it would give you a better view.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9464]}
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9464]}
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
How about this one, perhaps it would give you a better view.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9464]}
am now seeing a Diwali in Bodduan just 27 posts away :woohoo: :woohoo:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
How about this one, perhaps it would give you a better view.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 9464]}
WOW ! This looks amazing ! like a colorful jewel !!
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